In 2000, a psychiatric patient drew a picture of a man who appeared in recurring dreams. The picture was left out on the doctor's desk, where another patient recognized it from his dreams as well! With a bit of investigation, other patients who saw the same face in their dreams were found. As of now, at least 2,000 people recognize the face as one they've dreamed about. How about you? Link -via the Presurfer
Google Translate link:
Must be viral for something...
He's the one that in some future has found a way to check the dreams of a past.
Nothing special about that.
That Sicilian gets around!
I once read that with babies the opposite happens: they see a face, even the mother, as a circle with eyes and a mouth, not unlike a smiley.
I don't know what this is selling (twin peaks?) but it's guerrilla marketing
for something.
I say this because a whois shows that the domain is owned by an Andrea
Natella who apparently works for
Domain ID:D150747616-LROR
Created On:25-Jan-2008 16:02:00 UTC
Last Updated On:24-Jan-2009 12:50:16 UTC
Expiration Date:25-Jan-2010 16:02:00 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Tucows Inc. (R11-LROR)
Registrant ID:tuswXI6c1yuHmCEU
Registrant Name:Andrea Natella
Registrant Organization:Andrea Natella
Registrant Street1:Via dell'orso 43
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:ROMA
Registrant State/Province:RM
Registrant Postal Code:00186
Registrant Country:IT
Registrant Phone:+39.0668891709
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
I remember reading something on about how there are actually no unknown faces in your dreams; they are actually culled from your reality. Maybe you just haven't realized that the mysterious lover in your dreams shares a striking resemblance to your pharmacist.
anyway I think its the dancing dwarf from Twin Peaks.
#25 was me posting under an alias.
that gum you like will come back in style.
this is the third twin peaks thing i've seen today. weird.
On the other hand, the face looks like some average of several faces, so that it could be that the man in my dream just resembled this one in one or another aspect. Hard to say. I also noticed, that normally the people in my dreams don't really have faces but kind of facial blurs, so it would be easy to imagine or rather project this face into the one I dreamed of.
And I am wondering all the time how I can actually remember a face that I dreamed about ten to fifteen years back.
Must be a mistake by my mind...
I think the power of suggestion is strong with this story. I wonder how the so-called 'investigation' took place. I picture it going something like this:
"Have you seen this face before?"
"Ummm... I'm not sure... maybe?"
"What about in your dreams?"
"Yeah, that could be it, maybe that's why I only vaguely remember it."
Wham, the person suddenly believes.
Or, worse:
"This face is seen in dreams by thousands of people around the world!"
"Hey, he DOES kinda look familiar, I think I've seen him in my dreams too!"
Theory confirmed! Except that it's bullshit.
On the other hand, if 2000 people have all independently drawn the same mysterious face from their dreams, then maybe they've got something here. But they don't say that this is the case, so I highly doubt it.
Offcourse it could also be part of a promotional campaign for 'Don't Look Now 2' or 'Sandman, the Movie' and the actor just looks funny...
A simple whois on the domain reveals everything, very noob mistake and someone should be fired for not making the whois hidden.
Nice try though ;)
And I have noticed a lot of people saying "Well, now I will!" hmm...
I am one of the witness spoken of long ago by the profit Danial and spoken of In revelations of witch in those chapters are many lies.
Dude... Seriously. WTF?
a few more thoughts posted on it here:
somewhere else, said they think it's a campaign for a nightmare on elm street reboot. i doubt it, mainly as the site has google ads.
I found documents referencing something similar to this, seemingly abandoned - or dropped for someone else to find? - in one of the dustier shelves of my city's central library, when looking for a service manual for an old motorbike. The contents are at best interesting, at worst quite chilling depending how much you read into it. It's heavily censored, so it's appearance there is quite shady. Obviously, I'm posting this transcript under an assumed ID and hope that this site doesn't log IPs for very long.
Worse, since looking at that site, I think I recognise that guy. Somewhat concerned what he may say if I see him again.
I'm going to type out the contents of that page below. It was in plain courier font and had been copied a few times, so the information may be a bit out of date, plus the amount of missing material leaves it open to interpretation. Sections with black outs (???????, thank you charmap.exe) have been struck out with a marker pen sometime further back in the photocopy chain. In case there's some kind of link or pattern I've reproduced them at the approx same length as in the text (made simpler by the fixed width font!). Parts that say REDACTED were written as that seemingly originally, or have what look like manually cut-and-pasted white blocks (again further back in the photocopy chain) with that word written on covering large sections, two or three lines in some cases, so I've removed the associated whitespace for brevity.
Text follows. Deep breath.
Item #: ???-990
Object Class: K????
??????? ?????????? Procedures: Currently no containment for ???-990 has been devised. Any personnel with suggestions for the containment of ???-990 should report to Dr. ??????????. Any and all ideas are welcomed, regardless of who may suggest them.
Description: ???-990 is generally a human male dressed in a ???? ??? ??? business suit, who appears to ??????????? personnel through dreams. Thus far no ??????????? personnel have encountered ???-990 in the real world; if he corresponds to an actual human being, we have yet to find him. Presently there have been ?? reports of ???-990 appearing to non-??????????? personnel.
???-990 has been appearing to ??????????? personnel since (REDACTED). ???-990's existence came to light when several Agents discussed having dreams involving a similar individual. Numerous other Agents reported dream-sightings of an individual matching the description of ???-990. The phenomenon did not officially receive ??? classification until the aftermath of ?????-990-??.
Event log 990-??:
Agent ?????? failed to report for duty at his assigned time. He was instead found in his quarters, asleep. Subject had been asleep for roughly eighteen (18) hours and all subsequent attempts to wake him were unsuccessful. Subject was transported to sickbay.
After over 40 hours of sleep, Subject awakened in a highly agitated state. Subject reportedly ran through the facility yelling loudly about "??? ??? ?? ??? ?????." Even after being heavily sedated, all of his bodily functions remained in a dangerously accelerated state: increased heart rate, high blood pressure, etc.
Subject described a man matching the regular appearance of ???-990. According to Dr. ??????????'s report, Agent described with great detail a series of events that would lead to (REDACTED). Agent claimed that the information had been outlined to him by ???-990 while he was trapped within his dream.
Mobile ???? ???? ???? was dispatched to ????????? the initial ?????? that would begin the chain of events. M?? ???? was successful and (REDACTED).
Since ?????-990-??, ???-990 has appeared to many Foundation personnel and made similar ???????. As of yet no situation on the scale of ?????-990-??'s has occurred; however, ???-990 has successfully predicted ??? ?????? of Doctors ????, ??????, and ????, as well as (REDACTED). Any ?????? made by ???-990 should be reported to ??????????? authorities, regardless of (REDACTED).
??????????? personnel are considered free to converse with ???-990 if he should appear to them, and are encouraged to try to obtain information from the subject regarding himself. Additionally, Dr. ?????????? has stated that anyone who can determine whether or not ???-990 has a corresponding body somewhere in the world will be well rewarded.
Document 990-??:
The following is an interview conducted between Dr. ?????????? and ???-990. Although the interview was not recorded until Dr. ?????????? awoke, his memory has historically been highly accurate and reliable.
Dr. ??????????: State your name.
???-990: Are you trying to conduct an interview?
Dr. ??????????: Yes. Is that all right?
???-990: Sure, I'm game.
Dr. ??????????: Please state your name.
???-990: How about Tony?
Dr. ??????????: Tony? Your name is Tony?
???-990: I believe a person has the right to be called whatever they want to be called.
Dr. ??????????: Very well then, Tony it is.
???-990: Actually, I changed my mind. How about Richard?
Dr. ??????????: That's fine with me.
???-990: Richard it is. What's the next question?
Dr. ??????????: Why do you ???????? ??????????? personnel?
???-990: ????????? Who's ?????? ?????????
Dr. ??????????: You've predicted a number of ??????????? events involving ??? ???????????, including (REDACTED).
???-990: And has ??? ???? actually come of it?
Dr. ??????????: You ???????? Agent ??????.
???-990: [after a long pause] Doctor, I believe you have the wrong impression about me.
Dr. ??????????: How so?
???-990: I'm not ??? ??? ??? here.
Dr. ??????????: I wasn't aware that there was a "??? ???" involved.
???-990: Oh, there is.
Dr. ??????????: Who?
???-990: [another long pause] ??? nine thousand and nine.
Dr. ??????????: There is no ??? with that designation, and there won't be for some time.
???-990: Well of course not. ??? hasn't even been born yet, much less classified by your ???????????.
Dr. ??????????: Is this another prediction?
???-990: This is your wake-up call.
At this point Dr. ?????????? was awakened by his alarm clock and proceeded to transcribe the interview.
Don't you think that it's strange how everbdy else is saying that they have seen this man in their dreams?
And no, its obviously not some famous guy. It would be all over TV.
I am worried. :/