NASA introduced the idea of female astronauts much earlier than you might realize. After all, the Soviets had launched a female cosmonaut!
The times being what they were, the program was scrapped, and US women did not make it into space until 1983. Link
In the late 1950s, the United States government contemplated training women as astronauts, and newly released medical test results show that they were just as cool and tough as the men who went to the moon.
“They were all extraordinary women and outstanding pilots and great candidates for what was proposed,” said Donald Kilgore, a doctor who evaluated both male and female space flight candidates at the Lovelace Clinic, a mid-century center of aeromedical research. “They came out better than the men in many categories.”
The times being what they were, the program was scrapped, and US women did not make it into space until 1983. Link
and Only 1 man.
What would be your 1st thought ?
He must be the mission commander, or.......
Thats a brainy bunch for a Haram.
It would have been tragic if John Glen was burned up on re-entry to the atmosphere or Neil Armstrong had been marooned to starve on the moon. However, the country would have been more apt to accept the losses of those heros and keep on working on and funding and supporting the space program. The space program was able to continue after fatal accidents like the death of Gus Grissom. If a woman, the sex that most Americans at the time associated overwhelming more with being a loving wife or a nurturing mother or a sweet little daughter rather than a tough soldier, were to be killed in the space program, the public backlash might have been too great to keep the program's support up.