Swine Flu / H1N1 Virus Giant Microbes - $7.95
With all the commotion over swine flu, who knew that the culprit - H1N1 Influenza Virus - could be so ... cute? Here's the popular Giant Microbe plush toy based on cause of the global flu pandemic. Get yours before the second wave of the pandemic hits!
Featured Item: every order will get a Free Mystery Bonus. It's for a limited time only, so get yours today!
From the Neatorama Shop: H1N1 Swine Flue Virus Plush Toy | Other Giant Microbes | Swine Flu: Bacon's Revenge T-Shirt
Comments (7)
I hope you feel better soon and I applaud you for not choosing to take the untested swine flu vaccine. I won't be taking it either.
Also, kudos to you guys for staying home while you are sick!
Lynne Gordon
I love the giant microbes - have about 20 of them so far!
@fgfk - yeah, I think that's by design ;)