The annual United Nations human development index, released today, names Norway the best country in which to live. The list of 182 countries is based on 2007 statistics on life expectancy, literacy, school enrollment, gross domestic product, and other criteria.
China wins the most-improved award, moving up to number 92. Niger was at the bottom, and Afghanistan came in second to last. Link -via Digg
The top ten countries listed on the index are: Norway, Australia, Iceland, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Switzerland and Japan.
The United States ranks 13th, down one spot from last year.
China wins the most-improved award, moving up to number 92. Niger was at the bottom, and Afghanistan came in second to last. Link -via Digg
The only problem with most of the top countries is that booze is so expensive (especially Sweden!)
Because in God's Own Country that is so rich and so helpful and so policing towards other coountries, there's an astonishing whole lot of regular Hell to live for lots of it's own residents...............
I really hope your sarcasm switch was on.
The USA gives away 0.1% of GDP in foreign aid
Norway gives away 0.91% of GDP in foreign aid.
In actual fact, USA is the least generous of all developed countries.
As former President Jimmy Carter commented: 'We are the stingiest nation of all'. Denmark is top of the table, giving 1.01% of GDP, while the US manages just 0.1%. The United Nations has long established the target of 0.7% GDP for development assistance, although only four countries actually achieve this: Denmark, 1.01%; Norway, 0.91%; the Netherlands, 0.79%; Sweden, 0.7%. Apart from being the least generous nation, the US is highly selective in who receives its aid. Over 50% of its aid budget is spent on middle-income countries in the Middle East, with Israel being the recipient of the largest single share.”
And D Bozko, no one needs the US to bail them out of anything. Fix up your own problems before you meddle with other countries. (How's Detroit looking huh?)
@angstrom. Good list, and comeback. Happy to see my fellow Danes doing their bit, and fellow Scandinavians of course.
@ Briannana. I don't think any bozos came out to sucker-punch America here. Some comments were made about how America, being all helpful and giving, was causing it to be so low on the list and that was simply being refuted, in an ever so polite manner I think. At least this has been the most polite 'pissing'-contest I've seen in a while without it becoming nasty and overly political within minutes.
Name me one black leader from these countries.
One Latino organisation
In fact some of these countries are having big pushes to get rid of " Them People"
Yea they are great countries to live in. If you are white, educated, and have money. If not don't bother coming here.
Good discussion. I wonder how the list would reorder without GDP in the mix. Obviously this is a category that is heavily waited toward places like the US, China, Japan, Germany, etc and one might argue is not the best indicator of quality of life.
For those interested in the comments concerning world aid numbers, has a couple interesting charts that show the largest contributors in aid (although not in %GDP or $ per capita) and how some large economics spend their money between healthcare, military, and education. The argument about who gives more is complicated when comparing countries with massively different GDPs and populations.
I'm not sure which countries you're referring to because Norway is ripe with many nationalities. I myself am a mixed Asian living well in Norway for 11 years now. And last time I checked, Japan is mostly Asian...
Black leader: Governor General Michaelle Jean (
Latino Organization: Canadian Hispanic Congress (
Bonus: The GG before Michaelle Jean was Chinese.
We've also had a female Prime Minister (mind you, it was Kim Campbell, but still).
This is true, but the difference is that the Governor General was appointed by the Queen, not elected by the people. The sad thing is that I almost forgot about Kim Campbell. She was wedged between Mulroney & Chretien years, where a lot of big things happened, but I wonder if it is better to be forgotten then dispised.
Why do they hate our freedoms?
I think it's our military in 2/3rds of the world, making sure all their natural resources flow back to us that they hate; when around 4 or 5% of the world's population suck up over 25% of the worlds resources, while at the same time having their military stationed in 2/3rds of the world, you have to admit, on the surface of it, it looks pretty bad for us, especially given that the average "American" has double digit I.Q.s, and can't talk to you about anything other than their favorite T.V. show, sporting event, or pop star.
"I suppose Epsilons don't really mind being Epsilons," she said aloud. ... They don't know what it's like being anything else."
Maye you're a troll, maybe you have some issues. I'm thinking maybe it's the issues.
Quite the opposite. The overpowering idiocy here is to be seen in the US citizens claiming that the US is the best place in the world to live on the basis of nothing more than blind prejudice. Bear in mind that of the developed nations the citizens of the USA are among the least traveled and are as a result not generally well placed to comment. BTW an "eight countries in five days" tour of Europe doesn't count as experiencing another country.
@Home Solar Energy
Hardly. While you may live that life the vast majority of people (as in at least five nines) do not have the option. You are a statistical irrelevance.
fun(ny) list. They listed Singapore on it which incidentally is a country last time i looked:)
@Gauldar: He said "black leader", nothing about elections. Plus, most of our political system, including several Prime Ministers, have been unelected.
I would also regard your statement about how well traveled people are being a factor as being off base. A vacation, even if you're spending a week or two, will not tell you much about living there. The communities in the US, as is the case in much of the developed world, are made up of people from many cultures. You can learn as much from your neighbors about quality of life as you can from visiting there.
Ad hominem attacks are the first resort of simple minded twits, which just serve to bolster my argument.
Call me names, express a desire to see me die painfully, make fun of people who live in trailers, (not me, but clearly showing a lack of "multi-cultural ism" in yourself) I agree with Miss Cellania: If you can't argue a point without Ad hominem attacks, then STFU.
"B.M. means “bowel movement”. That’s all we really need to know."
B.M. also means Best Man, Brothel Matron, Big Mac, Born Magically, Bagged milk, Bored maestro, Buggered meticulously, etc... Given your attraction to the scatological, I think you can relate to my last example the most. (oops, was that an ad hominem attack on my part?)
Really, as I look around me, (living in the U.S. of A.) I see an almost total lack of critical thinking. Don't get mad, get educated. Don't get indignant, get
This comment is dedicated to any (and only to any) ignorant person leaving ignorant comments on a blog (no one can see who I am, right? I can say whatever I want!).
"I bet BM is not a real American. Probably, either middle eastern or some other disgruntled ethnic group. That's why you won't get a name.. probably from Libya"
LOLS! Man you're really doing nothing to help the argument that americans are very worldly. I swear i've heard a very similar argument followed closely by, "now git offa mah prowpertay 'fore ah shoots me a trespasser! EEEHAW!"
"The communities in the US, as is the case in much of the developed world, are made up of people from many cultures. You can learn as much from your neighbors about quality of life as you can from visiting there."
Aww... thats a cute notion, care to back that up with a credible argument? I'm only saying this because i lived in France for a while, and even university level french students back home dont have clue 1 about what its like. Trust me on that.
Anyhoo, i'm gonna keep watching this thread, I need a giggle after a hard day of work.
As each and everyone of you "evolve" in this life, my prayers and hopes are that you learn to love God with all your heart and you learn to love your neighbor as you love yourself. I can only hope that I live & give in the manner that God wants and ask of me. And if God is pleased by how I spend my time in his earth, if God is pleased at how & that I loved my neighbor, I hope to see many of you in that paradise called Heaven.
I encourage all of you to live in way that is pleasing to God and love in a way that is pleasing to God. I pray that your 2010 & beyond will bring a new found peace and happiness to all of your lives-to all of our lives.