Ten Crazy Geniuses

Among the scientists, inventors, engineers, and leaders who left their mark on the world are some who were mentally ill or even downright insane. The ten men in the list showed signs of paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, crippling introversion, and other disorders. For example, you know Samuel Morse as the inventor of the telegraph and Morse Code, but there was more to him.
He was a little paranoid. He was determined that the Blacks, Jews, Catholics and the entire nation of Austria were working to destroy the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants of America. He wrote several books on the subject in which he talked about how the immigrants and lesser races were oppressing all the white people, how the Jews and Catholics were working together to kill Protestants, and how all of these groups met on a regular basis in the basement of an orphanage in Ireland. Oh, and Austria's in there too somewhere.

Link -via Unique Daily

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@wit of a twit

Sure, I can see where you’re coming from, but many of these individuals lived self-destructive lifestyles because they did not have the coping mechanisms to help them live healthy lifestyles. I think your ignoring that aspect of suffering in these peoples’ lives, even if society as a whole benefits some way through invested technology of someone who was really good at thinking outside of the box (or even know where the box is for that matter).
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Well the stories are pretty crazy. I would agree that Spike.com is probalbly not the best place to get factual information. I would like to see some documentation before I would belive it. But then again who cares if it is true or not. Cool stories either way...i mean a drunk moose?
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Maxwell was very definitely autistic. He couldn't bear eye contact, would avoid talking directly to people - you had to just hover and hope he overheard a question you might have and pray he'd be sufficiently interested to answer it.

I'm with wit of a twit - "curing" all of what we perceive as mental dysfunction may well be a mistake.
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