Someone alert This Is Why You're Fat, because this sexy dessert certainly will help you pack on the calories...but oh man does it look delightful. I must admit, if I were to choose the next food trend after bacon, I'd totally chose s'mores --although s'mores with maple bacon would be good even with the current food trend.
What would you guys choose for the next food trend?
Link Image Via Annie at Annie's Eats
nom nom nom drooooool nom nom, /me gets on scale and it dcreeeeams! lol great find.
I had the best little milk chocolate truffle/bonbon the other day with a marzipan filling. mmm bliss.
flux. I'm a military brat and in the 60s I was eating it all the time. Now it's priced like gold, Too bad to, I loves me some almond paste.
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