The show’s incredible value was recently on display when it tackled the housing crisis and economic collapse with two episodes entitled “The Giant Pool of Money” and “The Giant Pool of Money Part 2?. TAL excels at taking the esoteric and making them understandable – relatable even – to the average Joe.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by redsfaithful.
Other super podcasts that are nerdier than several of the ones listed:
NPR's Planet Money, Slate's Political Gabfest, WNYC's Radio Lab (easily my favorite), BBC's Thinking Allowed, BBC's In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg.
I'd also like to throw in my vote for Ran by folks associated with the American Astronomical Society, it celebrates the International Year of Astronomy by letting groups submit podcasts to be aired once per day for the whole year. BTW, mine is titled "I know why the sky is dark at night. Do you?" which was produced in the spirit of Car Talk and will air Sat., Oct. 10.
Yeah, I love listening to hippies whine all day long
Might I also add in a few podcasts that I think folks would love to listen to as well:
- TVO's Big Ideas
- Stuff You Should Know (from How Stuff
Anyway, my #1, must-hear weekely podcast would be The Bugle. John Oliver (from The Daily Show) and Andy Zaltzman rip apart the news headlines to towering comic effect. Like an extended (and even funnier) Daily Show on steroids.