Archive for September 29th, 2009

Simon's Cat in "Hot Spot"

[YouTube - Link] A brand new animated short by Simon Tofield. More videos of Simon's Cat featured here on Neatorama: Fly Guy, TV Dinner, Let Me In!, and Wake Up!Cat, Cartoon, animation, Simons cat...

Photoshop Health Warning Proposed for Retouched Photos

Sacrebleu! French politicians are campaigning for a new law that will result in government health warnings on pictures that have been enhanced by photoshop:Campaigning MP Valerie Boyer, of President Nicolas Sarkozy's...

Watermelon Carvings

(Photo: Takashi Itoh) Here comes October, which means it's close to pumpkin carving time.  But if you're reluctant to let go of summer, head on over to Takashi Itoh's and check out some wonderful watermelon carvings....

Bacon Shoes

Allee Willis is a fantastic and accomplished songwriter by day (she wrote the Friends theme song I'll Be There For You, for example) and a kitsch collector by night.Thanks to the Interweb, we can now marvel at h...

HBO Imagine

I don't have time to watch one TV, much less several all at once! HBO Imagine is a new website that aims to tell a story through interconnecting short clips as opposed to the linear format of today's TV show as well as d...

Elephant Tusk Surgery

If you think about it, an elephant's tusk is a big tooth. And like any tooth, a tusk can break or otherwise get damaged and the elephant would then need to see a dentist (shudder!). That's exactly what happened in th...

Sandcastle Worm Bone Glue

The next time you break a bone, your doctor may just reach for the sandcastle worm. Actually, not the actual worm itself but a bone glue made by the animal:The worm creates a complex water-based mortar to create a ho...

Geeky Wristwatches: The Pricey and the Cheap

The beautiful Casio Databank 2888JA over at Tokyoflash - pre-order at $112.28; (R) The cheaper yet still geeky chic Cal-Q-Tek 2000 Calculator Watch at the Neatorama Shop - $14.95I have a soft spot in my heart for geeky w...

Complimenting Scale

Photo: VoluptuArt Does your bathroom scale flinch whenever you walk by? Maybe you need a replacement that is a bit more accepting of your body image issues. These handmade scales by Marilyn Wann offer compliments su...

COMBO, Animated Graffiti by Blu and David Ellis

Remember Muto, the "animated" or time-lapse graffiti by Blu that took the InterWeb by storm? Well, here's the sequel: a collaboration by Blu and David Ellis called COMBO (with music by Roberto Lange)It was prod...

Hipsters of the Universe

What would He-Man and the rest of the Masters of the Universe look like if they were into fashion? No need to imagine, as artist Adrian Riemann had re-drawn them as if they were Hipsters of the Universe:What would He...

Lying as Parenting Technique

What do you get when you combine "honesty is the best policy" with "Do as I say, not as I do"? Here's an interesting study showing that parents lie to children surprisingly often:"We are surp...

What's Worse: Windows or the Cult of Mac?

The argument of Mac vs PC (or more accurately, Mac vs Windows) is as old as time itself - that is, if time started in 1984, the year that the Mac was introduced.Sure Windows is bad. Awfully bad (I'm looking at you, Vista...

How to shave 10 years off your life: Have high cholesterol, be hypertensive, and smoke.

Researchers have taken another look at the famous Whitehall study of over 18,000 middle-aged London men and found that a single measurement of three factors predicted mortality better than any other measures. Those with...

Growing Chairs

Amazing 1900's green creativity from John Krubsack who decided to grow chairs! It took him eleven years to bend and graft stems and brances of  elder trees into the shape of a chair before it was ready for 'harvest...

Four Things EVERYONE Needs to Know about Sharks

Marine biologist and blogger "WhySharksMatter" has created a list of four things everyone needs to know about sharks. Full of  thought-provoking facts and cool pictures of sharks, this post will be interes...

Fat Guy Shirts

Hmmm, this t-shirt outlet might not be the place to buy gifts for loved ones, but if you are a fat guy and proud of it, you’ll find a shirt to love. There are also shirts for big women and for women who love fat gu...

Human Tetris on Skateboards

(YouTube link) This ad for Freebord skateboards has skateboarders flying down the streets of San Francisco in the dark to connect glowing Tetris shapes. I have to wonder where the awesome outtakes are!-via Diggtetri...

That’s Not Fruit!

Most of us think of sweet produce as fruit and not-sweet garden foods as vegetables, with the exception of the tomato because that’s been argued over so much. But which plant foods are scientifically fruits, a...

Thought-Controlled Robot

The Mainichi Daily News (Japan) reports that a college student has developed a robot that can be partially controlled through a neural interface. Taku Ichikawa of the University of Electro-Communications in Tok...

Cthulhu Baby Blanket

Photo: Fickle Pegasus Wrap you your baby, safe and secure, in the tentacles of Cthulhu with this crocheted baby blanket. It was created by Craftster user Fickle Pegasus for her husband's co-worker's son. Velcro tabs...

Jet-Powered Merry Go Round

(YouTube Link) The Madagascar Institute is a Brooklyn-based art collective that "that specializes in large-scale sculptures and rides, live performances, and guerilla art events." The artists are especially fond of...

Ohio is a Piano

Andy Woodruff noticed that Ohio has 88 counties, the same number as keys on a piano. So he went to work on a map application that assigns a note to each county. You can play a song on the map (a couple of songs are...

Woman Hires Cherry Picker to Rescue Bird

A 13-year-old macaw flew fifty feet up into a tree and was too scared to fly down. Emma Hooper of Botley, England believes that Cleo flew away because she was distressed at moving to a new home. When the RSPCA refused to...

Band-cest: Keeping it in the Family

Growing up singing together has its advantages! This post looks at thirteen different sibling acts that made it big, with videos of each.Often our brothers and sisters are the first people we sing and play music with...

10 Cutting Edge Folded Paper Artists

A sheet of paper may be nothing more than a medium upon which you scribble notes and doodle the occasional design, but to a paper artist it represents something that can be folded, twisted and turned into anything. Che...

15 Podcasts That Will Make You Smarter

So many podcasts out there, but so little time. Here are fifteen in particular that are worth your time and will make you a better informed citizen of the world. Links include TED Talks, the Naked Scientists, a couple fr...

1987 Dating Video

This completely hilarious montage of circa 1987 video dater men was featured on Boing Boing yesterday, and as one commenter mentioned, the guy at 3:34 was a dead ringer for Seth Green.  Upon second viewing, I noticed th...

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