Archive for September 28th, 2009

An Interactive Map of Banned and Challenged Books

The last week in September is Banned Books Week.  To mark the event, an interactive map has been created that shows requests for removal of books from public libraries and school libraries for the period 2007-2009.Â...

19th Century Color Motion Picture

The Lumière brothers began producing moving pictures in the 1890s; this short of "The Serpentine Dance" required each frame of the film to be hand-colored. Several links for this video indicate t...

Seeing What the Brain Sees

Brandon Keim writes in Wired that scientists are getting closer to reconstructing images that duplicate what the brain actually sees through visual input. Though it's not actually brain-reading, it's a small st...

Happy Rabies Day!

Did you know that today is World Rabies Day? Well, now you do. Our pal Asylum blog has a neat post about rabies trivia, including these gems:People who get rabies don't go vampire.Somewhat s...

This Mechanical Tumor is a Computer Peripheral

Photo: Mio I-zawa Japanese artist Mio I-zawa created this mechanical tumor that grows and throbs as your computer operates. The harder your computer works, the larger it grows. From the blog Pink Tentacle:...

850 New Species Discovered in Underground Lakes and Caves of Australia

Photo: Australian Center for Evolutionary Biology & Biodiversity, University of AdelaideDoes it seem like science is discovering new species left and right lately? After the discovery of the Cat Ba Leopard gecko, bri...

30 Stupidest Inventions Ever

Life Magazine has a hilarious post up featuring what they consider to be the 30 dumbest inventions of all time. When you look through the list, filled with things like the shower hat to the right, you actually start to...

Man Caught With 1700 Animals In His Trunk

Talk about junk in your trunk (sorry, but I just had to). An Italian man was arrested after a routine police stop ended up with authorities seizing over 1700 animals in his trunk. Included in the bust were 216 parakeets,...

Should Roman Polanski Be Arrested?

So. Three decades after he fled Los Angeles, director Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland.In 1977, Polanski pled guilty of "unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor" to avoid being charged with rape by u...

The Persistence of Vinyl Records

The melting clock in Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory is a familiar icon.  One can purchase analog and digital versions of these clocks, hand-crafted by artists, but it is also possible to create o...

8+ Scientifically-Minded Musicians

Modern musicians are frequently believed to be stupid airheads who couldn't hold down any "real" job. But in reality, there are a lot of intelligent rock stars. Some musicians are even geniuses - and not just when it com...

The Orangutan and the Hound Dog

(YouTube link) Dogs will occasionally follow children home, especially when the child encourages it. In this case, the dog bonded to Suryia the orangutan and the facility is now stuck with Roscoe. This cute clip is...

Two Cthulhu-Themed Songs

(YouTube Link) "Hey There Cthulhu" is a love song by the The Eben Brooks Brand, from their 2007 album Karaoke Bash Vol. 3. It is about a man expressing his tender love for the Dark One and his yearning for...

Kids and Allowance

Families differ on how they give their kids money. Kelly writes about how her family does it, and the many questions that go along with allowances. * Should the allowance be given freely OR tied to chor...

Team Names: An Etymological Venn Diagram

This diagram (actually an Euler diagram {wiki}) sorts out professional baseball team names. Even more interesting is the accompanying list of links and explanations for every team name included. Link -via Jason Kottk...

The Top Ten Food-Based Rube Goldberg Machines

People love watching unbelievably intricate contraptions designed to perform simple tasks. Days to design and build, a minute or two to use (depending on how many times something goes wrong), and possible YouTube stardom...

Was This Really A Cereal?

The breakfast aisle at the grocery is full of cereals with silly names, but some from the past are real winners. In today’s Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss, you are challenged to distinguish real cereal names from s...

Stop Motion Wafer Cookie Keyboard

(YouTube Link) This one-minute stop motion video appears to be a Portuguese-language commercial for a fruit juice brand available in Brazil (Google Translator version). It's a trippy depiction of moving wafer cooki...

BookFail: A Gallery of Bizarre Books

Image: Book Fail Inspired by the now famous FAIL Blog, BookFail is a gallery of book covers of strange, absurd, and improbable books. It's somewhat similar to the Judge a Book by its Cover blog, except that you can...

Robot Converts from Wheeled to Tracked Vehicle

(YouTube Link) The Galileo Robot has retractable wheels within its rear wheels that extend on command, expanding the hub of the wheel into a tank track. This allows the vehicle to have the advantages of a tracked v...

I Fell in Love at the Apple Store

(YouTube Link) "Apple Store Love Song" is a song by Fatty Spins about meeting a girl/Apple product at a brand store. Although one might think that it was green-screened, it was actually shot at the Apple Store in N...

7 Most Amazing One-Take Video Clips

What is it about one-take video clips that capture our imaginations? Perhaps it's because we've become so cynical about video editings that the pure, raw form of a single, uninterrupted shot truly sta...

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