Hacked Big Mouth Billy Bass Quotes Monty Python, Can Be Controlled Via Twitter

(YouTube Link)

Dan Ros rigged his Big Mouth Billy Bass so that it quotes Homer Simpson, Bill Clinton, and characters from Monty Python's The Holy Grail:

The star of the show is the mbed chipset, and in fact that’s Dan Ros’ real motivation. Priced at $60 (for a limited, introductory period; normal price $100), the mbed has an ARM Cortex M3 core, ethernet, USB, serial and other connections, and drag-and-drop loading of binary instruction files. It’s intended for rapid prototyping, as you can see in the second video below, and has just gone on sale today.

He also arranged for the fish to speak whatever is tweeted to him:

The Twittering Billy hack replaces his existing brain with an mbed Microcontroller, wiring it up to his motors so we have control of his movements, an SD card so he can store lots of audio files, and the mbed's Ethernet interface to the internet. What might be surprising is that Billy is not connected to a PC; everything is being done by the mbed Microcontroller and a connection to the internet!

Link via Gizmodo

Image: Dan Ros

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