An Indonesia woman named Ani gave birth to 19.2-lb baby yesterday in Medan, North Sumatra. The boy, Muhammad Akbar Risuddin, is among the heaviest babies ever delivered who survived:
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, he was delivered by Caesarean section.
Britain's heaviest newborn was delivered in Cumbria in 1992 weighing 15lb 8oz.
The heaviest baby ever born was produced by Anna Bates of Canada in 1879, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. It weighed 23.12lb and died 11 hours after birth.
The record for a baby which survived, according to the Guinness record keepers, is held by a boy born weighing 22lb 8oz at Aversa, Italy in 1955.
More recently Francisca do Santos gave birth to a son weighing 16lb 11oz by Caesarean section in Brazil.
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Image: AFP/Getty Images
Comments (15)
I laughed out loud for the perfect name for the child.
Akbar means Biggest in Arabic. And I'm sure this wasn't lost on the mother, because she was apparently Muslim based on the child's name. So she probably had some sort of grasp on Arabic