Asylum blog has a pretty nifty post about 10 really old dudes and their jobs. For example:
Oldest cop: Manuel Curry, 84
Sadly, Sergeant Major Manuel Curry died earlier this summer. But he did so as America's oldest active duty police officer, having spent 63 years patrolling New Orleans -- no picnic. In fact, Curry gained acclaim for holding his post during Katrina, even as many of his much younger colleagues either abandoned the city or joined in the looting.Oldest plumber: Pierre John "Buster" Martin, 102
The London centenarian has garnered praise for his work ethic -- he refused to take a day off for his 100th birthday and, at 101, attempted to go to work the day after being attacked by a group of thugs. Although rumors have circulated that Buster is really only 96.Oldest world leader: Robert Mugabe, 85
Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe may be the number one argument for a mandatory retirement age: The former-revolutionary hero, and current oldest member of the heads-of-state club, is considered by many to be the world's worst despot.
Good ol' Mugabe! It's good that he's keepin' active with all the dictator stuff: Link - Thanks Alex!
Comments (5)
Mable: 98, prostitute.