55-Gallon Drum BBQ Grill and Smoker

Photo: Steve Stealey

Is that a 55-gallon drum or a BBQ smoker? Actually, it's both! Steve Stealey of Steve's Services - BBQ division in Carthage, Mo. came up with the idea of using a steel drum as a smoker and BBQ grill when he was on his way to a cooking contest, lost his cooker in transit, found a used barrel and the rest is history.

Link - Thanks Steve!

Be sure to check out Neatorama's Top 10 Coolest BBQ Grills (and More) (yes, all the way back from 2006)

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Seriously... anon1 is right. 55 gallon drums are standard. Unless the guy is 80+ years old, I don't see how he could claim to have come up with this idea.

There've been 55 gallon BBQs and smokers since there have been 55 gallon drums.
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