Eco-Friendly Steam Dishwasher

Washing dishes in a full-loaded dishwasher without pre-rinsing saves water (particularly expensive hot water) over washing by hand. This steam dishwasher designed by Vincent Liew saves even more water and energy!

As the title suggests, this dishwasher uses pressurized steam to dislodge food particles on dishes and sanitize them. A hearty rinse after the cleaning process gives you squeaky clean dishes!

Now for the Eco-friendly part. Since no detergents are used, there is less of “ozone depleting solvents” going around. The water used in the steam and rinsing is collected in the recycling bay and using “Membrane Technology” (read more info on this here), the grime and food particles are separated from the water. The clean water is recycled to be used again for the next wash.

Contaminated water, too harsh for reusing is discarded via an outlet and only then is a fresh load of water consumed.


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It's always neat to hear about the latest technology that can save energy. For further information, I'm certain there are numerous websites available concerning energy savings, but two of my favorites are and
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