Oh, The Temptation!

(vimeo link)

Could you stare at a marshmallow and not eat it if it meant getting TWO marshmallows just for waiting? It’s hard when you’re a little kid! This cute video is a recreation of a well-known experiment by psychologist Walter Mischel. Link

I want to have more fun with it. Tell the kids they're going to get another marshmallow if they wait. Then, if they don't eat it, take it away and say "I lied."
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Now that was a bit disappointing! What happened to all the other kids? Did they all wait? How happy were they to get the reward? Why stop the video in the middle of it? I feel cheated ...
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There's a TED lecture about this (ted.com) that was done , they show and speak about the original marshmallow experiment, apparently, they followed up with the kids 14 years later and the kids who had controlled themselves and waited patiently for the second marshmallow were the kids who were doing great in college because they were future focused instead of present focused,and were delaying gratification by working hard presently for rewards later on. Fascinating stuff.
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Radio Lab did a short (15 min.) piece about this experiment.
They included what happened when they looked at the kids years later.
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This probably explains why I'm not doing so great right now. Had it been toddler-me I would have eaten that marshmallow before it hit the plate and run out screaming "foooootball!" before she left the room. Screw future rewards, Death doesn't follow a schedule.
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