If You Printed the Entire Internet

Printing the entire internet is a ridiculous idea, but in the event that you actually wanted a printout of the entire internet today, then you would have to have started printing back in 1800BC. And if you wanted to read it all it would take 57,000 years, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, non-stop! A series of infographics at Creative Cloud gives us even more statistics about the mind-boggling size of the internet.

Link - via geeksaresexy

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Arby.

Well, if you started back in 1800BC, you'd have a few thousand years to perfect a super-fast printing system before there was any actual Internet to print out... :-P
And what consequence would it have if you had been able to begin printing at the same time as the first pages started to show up? How long would you be able to keep up?
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Wonder how that was calculated? And did they take in to account new material added while you're reading thereby extending your read time?
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The Web! the great communicator: Mankind, telling the corporatists' and communists' secrets - even the Russians from the former U.S.S.R. have a say, tell it like it was, like it is! I say: American Holocaust - 45 thousand a year, dead due to poor health care! How many were Jews? is Weisenthal counting? Why not! This is genetic cleansing at its best! Complete with insurance companies acting as the "Selectors' by thier draconian policies! No insurance? To the Death Chambers, worse, die in the streets! Happening in America Today, St. Obalma will pale! The right wing writes the "selection manuals" for the Military, deciding on certain death for some,! it happens again in America! The final purification of the breed! The final solution, operating in America! are we so innocent? I think not! Frightened to speak out, but not innocent! Don't print this, take it to heart!
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I'm sure things are being added to the Internet faster than people can read it, by far. This doesn't take into account how fast different people read either. But it's still pretty cool, if it's an estimate.
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