Men Become Less Intelligent After Speaking to Attractive Women

Psychological researchers at Radboud University in the Netherlands conducted a study which supports the popular impression that men lose their minds in the presence of attractive women:

The research shows men who spend even a few minutes in the company of an attractive woman perform less well in tests designed to measure brain function than those who chat to someone they do not find attractive...

Women, however, were not affected by chatting to a handsome man.

This may be simply because men are programmed by evolution to think more about mating opportunities.

Psychologists at Radboud University in The Netherlands carried out the study after one of them was so struck on impressing an attractive woman he had never met before, that he could not remember his address when she asked him where he lived.

Researchers said it was as if he was so keen to make an impression he 'temporarily absorbed most of his cognitive resources.'

Link via The Presurfer (Photo: Getty)

Wait a sec. Who decides on the attractiveness of the people? I'm not going to be affected by a person someone thinks I should find attractive. Have you seen a fangirl in the presence of her idol? Blithering idiots, we are.
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Wait a minute- what does it say about the historical mate choices of women that our male ancestors evolved to become less intelligent when trying to impress them?

Or is it that historically women have had less choice in the matter of mate selection, and men evolved to suppress rationality and, possibly, be more willing to fight each other over women?

The implications of this research aren't limited to men.
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Interesting. True Anthony. So men that think less have more chances at mating. Another proof that Idiocracy can, and probably will, happen. =p

Should I feel bad that no male has ever lost his mind in my presence?! LOL
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Perhaps the tests measured things which weren't important to our ancestors. Or the fact some males acted dumber gave the females clues to their suitability as a mate. Either way I think I stopped acting goofy around beautiful women once I got married. I didn't care as much how they felt about me anymore.
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But when guys talk to an attractive woman, don't guys already know that she will not be very we just "dumb it down".

It is just that most physically attractive females have no reason to exercise their innate intelligence beyond handbag/shoe coordination.
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When I was talking to a woman that I was attracted to she asked me a friends name and I completely drew a blank! I didn't remember the name until well after our conversation.

I don't know why but it does happen; maybe because men are worse at multitasking and a pretty woman compounds the issue.
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LOL, I can't believe the researchers wasted time to figure this out. Of course when we met attractive women we don't focus on what they say, we studying their bodies lol
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