You've seen square watermelon and even heart shaped cucumbers, but Buddha pears? They are made with a cool plastic mold that is attached while they are still little. I'd love to say more about them, but I don't speak Spanish Portuguese, so I can't read the original site. Any of you Neatorama readers care to help translate?
Link Via BoingBoing
And Brazil's capital is Brasilia, not Rio de Janeiro :-P
They say that the molds are from japan
Thanks for the link.
Caio Novaes
[picture 1]
I am afraid of what advertisers can do with this.
I will make them battle.
The loser will be eaten.
And the winner will also be eaten.
you're my hero. seriously. well played. :P
I think Buddhists are way more easygoing about their icons than other religions.
They're gonna cut the peaches and eat 'em or worship 'em or let 'em rot??
Mad guys!!
Nice experiment though! We're gonna have new moldy ideas from now.. A peach shaped like a Mango or Banana or Wall-E :p
How to make pear-shaped Buddhas
I think this is the strangest "How to" I've posted, I mean, who's going to try and make this at home? Well then, for curiosity's sake, if you've already heard of Buddha shaped pears or even the famous square watermelons of Japan, you know that it's a simple process, placing the fruits in a mold while they are growing, then the fruit tends to take on the form of the mold.
I'm afraid of what marketing people will do with this...
canibalism would be just nasty!
that said, i'd grow these babies; are they selling them online somewhere?
-xxx- Mysa. (Holland)