Man Slaps Stranger's Toddler: "If You Don't Shut That Baby Up I WIll Shut Her Up For You"


Sixty one year old Georgia man named Roger Stephens was apparently fed up with a crying toddler while shopping at Walmart. Not one to suffer in silence (just look at that scowl!) Roger took matters to his own hands - literally:

The child was crying, which apparently greatly perturbed Matthews. "If you don't shut that baby up I will shut her up for you," Stephens warned Matthews, according to a Gwinnett County Police Department report. Moments later, Stephens acted on his threat, slapping Paige "across the face approximately four or five times." Though the child "started crying and screaming" after being struck, Stephens told Matthews, "See, I told you I would shut her up."

Link - via BuzzFeed

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How rash of you people who think that child deserved what she got, or that at all you should smack a child for crying. You once the screaming child that people blocked their ears over, all kids do this.

Although I am not fond of kids for I find them little devils, they are still kids, they are practically defenseless against everything, and it is the job of PEOPLE/Adults to keep them safe and unharmed, second this child was smacked, she was harmed.

I don't care if the child is breaking your ears, she is a child and it is NORMAL for a child to cry. Now to those who have said "A 2 year-old can learn" Well you know what? Not all. Not everyone is normal, it is very well known. Everyone is different. Certain babies learn to talk at certain ages, just like they say certain first-words. Not all would know how to be 'respectful' in public places, some children are just different, some take time and some don't.

This "man", had NO right to hit this child. Even if his ears broke, he still had no right. He could have complained, but no, he smacks her? Really? Not to mention the child not being his! Don't touch what is not yours.

Yes, violence is violence, but justice wouldn't be one for me unless I saw that "man" in jail or I beat him myself if he ever, ever hit my child. I have none, but if I ever did (yes, the IF word) he would never get the tale pass jail or never even live to tell it if they decided not to take that "man" to jail. I'm curious as to what the father or mother did, or what both of them did, whoever was in company of the child...

As for a few other comments, I agree with one of them very much. If you hit a screaming child, don't you think the child will scream more? It sure as heck would hurt the child she/he would not quiet down, it would hurt and so the child would cry out and scream more than before.

Seeing the other comments, the ones that think the child deserved what she got, I must say I am very disappointed that people could ever think like that.
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I'm in melbourne australia and this was in the news only a few months ago in a shopping centre here. The same assult, the same words and most probably the same miserable old bastard The only difference is a different country. Somethings dodgie here.
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yes the guy was totally out of line for hitting a child, and should be dealt with, but i can totally sympathise with his feelings. i've been in public wher there was a screaming out of control child and parents NEED to take charge, they're not doing the child any favors by letting them get away with that behavior. even at 2 yrs old a child can learn when to keep quiet, give them some credit, kids at 2 are very trainable. this same thing happened to me, kids throw a fit in the store, next thing you know they're standing at the checkout with a pile of toys and candy in order to appease them. all i ever had to say to my girls is "do you wanna go to the bathroom for a spank?" and i only had to spank their bum once or twice and they understood that when you're in a public place, you better be on your best behaviour, do your children a favor and discipline to the proper degree to raise healthy respectful adults.
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Violence is violence. Why is it o.k. to "shove his balls down his throat", "break his wrist with his own severed foot", "ram your thumbs in his eyes" and "murder" the man?
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