Statistical analysis of men rating women indicated that, even though both the body and face ratings were significant positive predictors of the ratings given to the combined images, the face ratings were stronger predictors of the combined ratings. It was also observed that the ratings for combined images was slightly higher for short term relationships as compared to long term relationships. One other significant observation – when the short term and long term relationship data were analyzed separately, the body ratings stood as more significant predictors to the combined ratings than face ratings, for short term relationships. In the case of females rating men, similar to men – the body and face ratings were both significant predictors with the face ratings being very strong predictors as compared to the body ratings. However, females ratings for men did not show any difference under the short term and long term decisions.
This only makes sense, as we tend to cover our bodies most of the time, but you have to look at that face a lot. -via Digg
The way I see it, culture plays a definitive role in how men choose women (and vice-versa): it even determines what part of the body we look first (and be very specific in that!)
Now, if you fugly and fat, but you are filthy rich, that changes all the rules, doesn't it?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Muslim.
Fashions in muslin, 1838.Muslin is a type of finely-woven cotton fabric, introduced to Europe from the West Bengal in the 17th century. It became very popular at the end of the 18th century in France. Muslin is most typically a closely-woven unbleached or white cloth, produced from corded cotton yarn. Wide muslin is called "sheeting". It is often used to make dresses or curtains but may also be used to complement foam for bench padding. Muslin breathes well, and is a good choice of material for clothing meant for hot, dry climates.
You are so dumb.
As for the article itself, i suppose it's different things for different people. Sexual attraction is so vast and varied that I wouldn't be surprised if everyone caught something different from the other person.