Archive for September 2nd, 2009

Vinyl Pirahna Purses

Flickr user Monstrosity creates these delightfully mean-looking, yet stylish vinyl purses. You can find them for sale in the Odakyu Department stores in Tokyo. Link Via Craftzinepurses, vinyl products, pirahna pur...

Puppy Can't Roll Over

This poor little one has rolled over and can't get up. He looks like a poor little tortoise on his back. I hope his parents don't teach him to "roll over." Link Via Laughing Squidanimals, dogs, pets, roll over...

Egg Within an Egg

(YouTube Link) This video by YouTube user Elman511 shows a chicken egg that contains another chicken egg -- shell and all -- inside. I suspected this was a hoax until I read about the phenomenon of ovum in ovo*...

Cast Away ... With a Baby Pig

Xavier Rosset, a young Swiss adventurer, recently returned to Europe after spending 300 days on an isolated island, armed with only a few knives and a baby pig for companionship.  He voluntarily chose the volcanic i...

9/9/09: A Day Without Cats on the Internet

(Video Link) The pop culture blog Urlesque has called for next Wednesday, September 9th, to be a day in which cats are absent from the Internet. Ostensibly, Urlesque seeks to end the meme-driven exploitation of cat...

Brain Surgery Simulator

(YouTube Link) This CBC news story describes a brain surgery simulator that doctors in Halifax, Canada use for practice before cutting open real patients. It simulates not a generic human brain, but the brain of th...

Researchers Develop Artificial Tongue

Photo: Kenneth Suslick Chemists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a testing implement that mimics the way human taste buds detect sweetness: A computer compares scans of the array...

20 Amazing Ice Sculptures

Oddee has a collection of some truly amazing ice sculptures, the most impressive of which is this massive ice castle in China. The other sculptures are also fascinating though. It always amazes me how much artistry i...

Playing Tetris Improves Your Brain

Research shows that playing the video game Tetris can improve your brain’s efficiency and will thicken some areas of the cortex. Neuroscientist Richard Haier had adolescent girls play Tetris for three months and looked...

Ducklings in the Pool

(YouTube link) How do you get a family of duckling out of the pool? All they need are the right tools! -via Arbroathducks, pool, ducklings...

Face vs. Body

There have been many studies about what body part attracts the opposite sex, but few studies that compare the importance of body parts to each other. A new study suggests that people assign more importance to faces than...

When was the Internet Born?

It was 40 years ago today, September 2, 1969 that scientists connected two computers at UCLA with a 15-foot cable and the machines were able to communicate with each other. The test data was meaningless, but the breakthr...

Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt #9

w00t! It's time for our much anticipated Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt, our ninth in the series. Here's your chance to win the ultimate in geek fashion: a Tokyoflash watch.For those of you who haven't played...

Neatorama Update: September 2009

Hello everybody! I'm happy to be back blogging on Neatorama after being mostly absent last month (why? Here's the very cute reason). Anyway, it's good to be back! I'd like to update you...

The Man Who Can Bug Out His Eyes

The freakiest video clip you'll see today: behold the man who can bug his eyes out (and watch him gently tap the back of his head to return everything back to where they belong).Why, you're welcome. Hit play or go to Lin...

Why You Should NEVER Piss Off People with Bulldozers

Qu Liming learnd that the hard way. The stubborn man tried to block heavy machineries from digging by parking his car in the way ... but this is what he got instead:"I thought that would slow them down so we cou...

Nature Reclaiming Abandoned Houses in Detroit

Across many cities in the United States, hundreds of thousands of foreclosed and abandoned homes turned some neighborhoods into urban blight ... but nowhere is the effect as acutely felt as in Detroit.Sweet Juniper blog...

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