Painful Bee Sting Therapy

[YouTube - Link]

An Indonesian man named Muntowib can cure all sorts of ailments with a unique medical treatment: bee stings. Yes, bee stings.

By the way, this video is from Diagonaluk, a Youtube user where you'll find lots of interesting videos such as Laughing cops from Thailand, Cuzco extreme downtown downhill moutain biking, or the 7ft beard guy. Be prepared for a short afternoon of work...

- via youtube

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Christophe.

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I'd have to be pretty desperate to undergo something like this, but I'm open to the possibility that bee venom might be useful for something. After all, who would've expected that obscure and weird stuff like horseshoe crab blood, intestinal worms, or maggots would be seen as viable medical contributions in the 21st century?
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Ya serious, we should force Humorism & Phrenology back, it made medicine so much more fun! So what if it's blatantly wrong, that's never stopped most of humanity before!
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Leeches were once used to remove blood in order to 'balance the humours' in the body, which in effect was a cure-all (humour imbalance caused nearly every affliction). Today, they have a very specific use that has nothing to do with humours.

Bee stings aren't much different. Any time somebody claims their treatment can cure a wide variety of ailments, you can bet your bottom dollar it'll be pseudomedicine. Bee venom might have some reasonable medical uses, but magic it ain't.
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Oh - and there's a place not far from here which breeds leeches for the NHS. They use them to drain blood from small parts after microsurgery. I gather the finer blood vessels are slow to reattach and the only way to keep the refitted bit perfused is to drain blood from the far end. Leeches do this very well, of course.
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