Got doodles? Here's a blog called Doodurls that wants to display your doodles. Most people doodle during boring meetings, interminable classes, while waiting on hold... Doodurls wants to show them off, and they aren't picky about your talent level either. On Doodurls, everyone's got talent!
It's easy to submit your latest margin masterpiece - take a pic of it or scan it, upload it somewhere (anywhere) and tweet the link to them on Twitter. They do the rest. It's a lot of fun to send your own in or just see the weird things that go on inside people's heads when they're bored!
It's easy to submit your latest margin masterpiece - take a pic of it or scan it, upload it somewhere (anywhere) and tweet the link to them on Twitter. They do the rest. It's a lot of fun to send your own in or just see the weird things that go on inside people's heads when they're bored!
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Melia.
Is that your work in the pic? Obviously. Nice!