(YouTube Video)
This dentist no doubt inspires confidence in his patients with his tower made from 28,000 teeth from previous patients:
This 8ft tower of teeth is foul, and the summit of 15 years work by Yu Qian, a Chinese dentist who is trying to raise awareness about dental hygiene by word of mouth. Or, as it turns out, an awesome viral film gone global.
His piece of art is made from 28,000 human teeth (URGH). So far he has treated 100,000 patients, and ‘harvested’ 28,000 diseased teeth from his patients.
Link via The Presurfer
Kinda reminds me of that one Family Guy episode w/ the tooth fairy that brings home the teeth, tosses it in to a big pile and rolls around in them.
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You see, they inject the fries with wasabi sauce.