Reading Rainbow Cancelled

After 26 years of teaching children (literally my entire life), Reading Rainbow is being cancelled. It's not for a lack of interest, but a lack of funding for the show. NPR says the show also was victim of a “shift in the philosophy of educational television programming,” that started under Bush.

I don't know how many of you grew up in the 80's, but Reading Rainbow will be sorely missed by those of us who did have the show to thank for our early interest in reading.


It was *cancelled* (i.e. stopped producing new episodes) in 2006. The reason it's going around again now is because PBS is taking the reruns off the air.
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I remember watching these back in the late 80s. I looked it up and they only have 155 episodes. Less than 7 episodes a year must have meant a lot of reruns so I can understand why it is being cancelled. If you watch a single episodes 60 times I sure anyone would be tired of it. Especially when they stopped making episodes in 2006.
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That NPR article was a big load of BS. Reading Rainbow ceased production in January 2007 ( The past 2 years, PBS stations have aired reruns. Rainbow's parent station, WNED Buffalo, got greedy and asked too much money for the broadcast rights.
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I remember waaaay back in the day. In the 4th grade, the 'good' students got to take their lunches back to the classroom to eat and watch Reading Rainbow. We would all sit there and sing along w/ the song. Sigh, good ole days.
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aww :(
i just saw an episode on the other day that i had first seen when i was little-like 4 years old little.

it was the one with the book about the spider that lived on a head of lettus and almost got washed down the drain.

i had always kind of hoped it would be around for my little ones to sesame street.
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Oh, boo-hoo! According to reports, viewership for this program has fallen steadily and dramatically over the past several years. As has been pointed out, this is because of the intolerable number of reruns, and not because of the big, bad Bush. He can be rightfully blamed for many things, but not for this. How many times can one watch "Tar Beach"?
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Do re-runs matter for children's programming? After all, it's not as if they stay interested past a couple of years in any one thing anyway.

I could never understand why the Telletubbies had to be superceded by something else[1] when the target audience has moved on to pastures new and a whole new set of goggling eyes waits eagerly for the Noonoo's every slurp.

Our two were watching The Clangers, Bagpuss and 1940s Popeye the other day.

[1] Unless it's parents with more than one child start to climb the walls.
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Here in Gerogia we get to see the Rainbow around 6am. No wonder it lacks viewers. As far as condeming Bush, I agree. As pointed out this was cancelled in 2006. During the Bush administration.
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August 29th, 2009 at 12:03 am
Isn’t it a little far into the Obama administration to be blaming Bush?

As for the show, I still prefer Captain Kangaroo.

$12 Billion a month for BUSH'S Iraq war... War not Education was Bush's choice... As far as Cpt. K.... you're one too?
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I'm 54 years old and I loved this show. There was always something interesting on it along with the fact that they prodded kids to read, which is always a good thing. But to blame Bush? That's a stretch and I hated the guy. I think it's time for PBS to get it's act together and stop begging for money ALL OF THE TIME. If they show that doo-wop special again, I'm going to scream. No wonder nobody watches it.
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Sure thing, Jack C. I guess the continuation of rape rooms and of sending your opponents feet first through industrial plastic shredders would be a small price to pay for kids programming.
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Wow, maybe they need a new version of Godwin's Law.

In fact, I think I'll call it Ted's Law. If something bad happened, people eventually start blaming ex-President Bush for it.
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what a shame to see it go. I knew it was struggling a few years back when LeVar Burton had done an interview. It's prospects for returning were not ggod then. And I guess that was about the time it went off the air.
Just the other morning I saw the episode of where he got a custom made jacket.
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I loved this show growing up, and I'm glad to have been able to let my eldest child watch it too. He loves the books they feature, and some of the stories have become family favourites. I'm sad my daughter won't be able to enjoy the show too. I'll have to look for the DVD's the next time I'm in the States.
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I fully agree that reruns aren't an issue. Me and my 4 1/2 year old have been watching the reruns daily for about 6 months now, and were just getting out of the 80s. By the time we looped back to the beginning, he would've either forgotten it, or been excited to see it again. (I know I love rewatching shows I enjoyed... isn't that the purpose of the whole TV on DVD market?) And as far as Reading Rainbow DVDs go, I searched this out in my desperation to keep this alive in our house. The DVDs are one episode each, at $30 a pop, or the whole series on "sale" for $3800 and change... Yikes!!! Check out my blog for my full view on the issue...
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to reply to the first poster. Since you're attempting to say its too far into the Obama administration to be blaming bush for this, let me say the show was cancelled in 2006 so maybe you should actually look at facts before you comment.
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