10 Mammals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist

That’s a pretty daring title for an internet list, but I was only familiar with a couple of these (including the bonus). Honestly, have you ever heard of a pink fairy armadillo? It’s also known as the Lesser pichiciego (Chlamyphorus truncatus) and it’s native to Argentina. Link -via Interesting Pile

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"Hairy sakis are seldom seen in captivity because of an unfortunate character trait: they tend to panic and die of shock at the smallest fright."

That can't be right! How the hell did this species survive if they die of shock at the "smallest fright?"
Juust imagine one them sneezing - it could wipe out a whole group!
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Did you know that the armadillo from Argentina (known there as "Tatú Carreta") is used to make a musical instrument called "Charango"? It's like a small guitar you may have seen before

Just my 2 cents.... Bye.
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