I'm afraid that this product is exactly what it looks like: a bracket that holds a stringed plastic bag while attached to your dog's tail. At the expense of your dog's sense of dignity, you get to avoid scooping up after him:
People invented many useful technologies to make people's life easier. All these inventions (car is among one of them) are to make people's life more convenient. With our "PooTrap", no need to worry that dogs will cause environment pollution, and as dogs owners may know, actually it's difficult to pick up poop.
Link via CrunchGear (where there is a video)
definitely NOT neat.
anyway! this Japanese one is better. shame your dog even more and make him carry around his poop in a backpack!
Every single dog I have ever known would probably submit to wearing one of these, such was their training. Even tho their most basic instinct would be to tear it off, they would not.
Every single dog I have ever known would probably give me a look of acute embaressment when I tried to put one on. People who have lived with dogs will concur - have you ever seen a dog try to conceal its own fart? Nah. They can't.
Every single dog I have ever known is better trained than to poop in an inappropriate place. And thy keep it in place till they get to where they should!
Every single dog I have ever known has lived in places where they can poop in peace - in places that they can do so. I wouldn't know them otherwise.
A dog who needs one of these is a dog that poops at home and people don't care to help them know better...
Is it really April 1 or have we come to this?
Bad idea.
I'd rather pick up the stuff.
I do not like looking at a dogs a$$ end for any reason
and DaveM is on the mark
I no longer complain about picking up the poop.
My dogs would just give me a WTF is this look, and then probably either procede to take it off w/ their mouths, or scoot around on their bums trying to get it off.
I don't have pets. I have nothing against dogs, just their owners. Jerks.
This is also more proof that cats are smarter.