The 6 Most Horrific Bosses of All Time

You may think you have a difficult, greedy, egotistical boss, but you haven’t met anyone like the boss who locked his employees inside a factory, or the boss who paid in script only redeemable at his stores, or the one who made his employees analyze animal poop. Then there was Bryant and May who decided to save money on the material they made matches from.
They had a better idea. They had been making their matches with the extremely flammable but otherwise safe red phosphorous. But there was this other kind, white phosphorous, that was way cheaper. And there was absolutely no downside.

Oh, except it would literally eat your face off when you handled it.

The description of what happened to the employees may make you queasy. Read about all six horrific bosses at Cracked. Link

Come to north Georgia textile area and things will surprise you. I have seen emergency exits padlocked. I've drank from water fountains contaminated by chemicals from the cooling towers. I had a boss call me raising hell when I was in the hospital demanding to know what the test results were, while they were still testing. I have been called at home and cussed over things that were not my control. Not to mention the insanity of thinking that Blue air hose was not as good as red air hose. All blue air hose had to be replaced with red and the blue returned. In a place in Eton, Georgia, we had to replace to blue plastic tubing with clear or white because it was tinting the air as it went through it. Everyone, except extrusion, worked in temperatures over 100 degrees most of the summer. I know of a VP that made an employee work overtime doing silly stuff just so he could have sex with his wife. (this went on for years) Wages are kept low by keeping illegal employees there and anyone wanting a raise could just leave.
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Jimbo: I assume he was making the employee work overtime so that he, the VP, could have sex with the employee's wife?

GQ: Sometimes people have no options but to stay in a really sucky job. Asking "Why wouldn't they just quit?" is like asking, "Why don't all those hookers just become brain surgeons?"
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