Archive for August 22nd, 2009

Ring Parody Starring A Chimp

This great Japanese video features the filming of a The Ring parody, staring an adorable celebrity chimp, Pan-Kun. The effect is not so scary, but completely hilarious. Link Via Tokyo MangoFunny, chimps, the...

Cucumber Thief Stumps Authorities

Someone in Australia has robbed over $10,000 worth of cucumbers in eleven separate robberies over the last three months.The latest robbery of 50 bags of pickles is the largest of the heists so far. "The issue with t...

Plush Cell Model

What better way to get kids interested in biology at an early age than to make them their very own plush cell? Instructables has all the info you need to make your very own cuddly block of life. LinkToys, crafts,...

Jenga-Inspired House

Architect Sou Fujimoto created a house inspired by the table game Jenga. It consists of cedar blocks 35 cm wide and was completed in Kumamoto, Japan in 2008. Artist's Website Link via Juxtapozjenga, Sou Fujimo...

James Dyson's Wrong Way Fountain

Inventor James Dyson's fountain, inspired by the work of MC Escher, gives the illusion that its water flows uphill: Covering the ramp is a glass surface. Water is pumped in at the bottom, and comes out of the...

Oddly Named Places

When you see a town like Tightwad, Missouri, you have to wonder how that ever came about. This small town got its name from an incident in which a store owner cheated a postal worker by charging him an extra fifty...

Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan

(YouTube link) Helen Keller and her instructor Annie Sullivan explain how Keller learned to speak in this 1930 Vitaphone newsreel. -via the Presurfer speech, deaf, blind, newsreel, Helen Keller...

The Hair Village

The Long Horn Miao women of Soga Village sport a traditional hairstyle that puts Marie Antoinette's 'do to shame!We watched three women show us how they made their amazing big hairdos (and I thought my hair was expan...

Sketchpad (c. 1963): The Ancestor to Modern CAD Software

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]In 1963 Ivan Sutherland created Sketchpad, a drawing device for architects and graphic designers. It's functions are still cutting edge today. Check...

Early Risers Are Mutants

Frustrated with those around office who brag about how early they got up?  It appears that genetics plays a role in one's sleep habits ... and that the tendency of getting up early is caused by a mutation:In 200...

Shannon's colour coded coffee cup cleaning chart

David Thorne, who once paid a bill with a picture of a spider and crashed a party now gives the office manager an idea about washing coffee cups. The email trail will no doubt remind you of situations you’ve encountere...

Winkers: Animated Jean Art For Your Butt

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Thanks to Winkers, you no longer have to go through life with a plain, ordinary butt. Now you can turn your butt into a winking owl, or two birds snappi...

Pi Plate

This microwave safe and dishwasher safe stoneware pizza plate is divided into the first eighty-eight digits of the constant pi, should you ever desire to calculate its circumference. Link via Nerd Approvedpizza, p...

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