(YouTube Link)
Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who creates sand drawings in front of audiences. Here she is performing on Ukraine's Got Talent:
Here, she recounts Germany conquering Ukraine in the second world war. She brings calm, then conflict. A couple on a bench become a woman's face; a peaceful walkway becomes a conflagration; a weeping widow morphs into an obelisk for an unknown soldier. Simonova looks like some vengeful Old Testament deity as she destroys then recreates her scenes - with deft strokes, sprinkles and sweeps she keeps the narrative going. She moves the judges to tears as she subtitles the final scene "you are always near".
Link via TigerHawk
Comments (15)
God bless America.
I'm trying - without success - to find a non-youtube version of the german war video since it excludes my country for copyright issues...
If anyone knows, please do tell!
That awesome instrumental version of Nothing Else Matters is done by an amazing quartet of cellists called Apocalyptica. They've covered a ton of Metallica as well as other metal bands.
Way to use this as a stepping stone for you're incredibly insightful opinion. The "evil german" theme is so tiresome when you're content revolves around WWII, how could she have ever been so trite! You suck Neil.