Maybe bacon as an internet meme has jumped the shark, but it still makes all kinds of food taste fabulous!
Click on a picture at Endless Simmer to go to any of 100 recipes from all over. Link -Thanks, Brendan!
Fine, the bacon lube and bacon bras are a little creepy. Maybe we’ve gone too far when we’re literally trying to screw bacon. But I steadfastly refuse to stop eating it in every form imaginable. So to celebrate the endless survival of bacon, I’ve compiled this handy chart of 100 Ways to Use a Strip of Bacon. From bacon apple pie to bacon guacamole, bacon pickles, bacon marshmallows, and yes, even bacon-wrapped tofu, here are the 100 most glorious ways to enjoy god’s greatest gift to tastebuds.
Click on a picture at Endless Simmer to go to any of 100 recipes from all over. Link -Thanks, Brendan!
Bacon is gross and factory farming pigs has caused swine flu to happen.
...UGH! Just UGHH.