Love is hard when you're a little robot in a big world. A little bit creepy and a whole lot of cute, Little Big Love is a bittersweet short film from Tomas Mankovsky. Link
I have to disagree with both of you. I think the ending was perfect. Depressing and sad yes, but look at it in the context of the movie. Your in an alien world and the only "person" you see never acknowledges you. Even after you do everything in your power to get "their" attention. What would you do?
I did not like the ending at all. I'm all for sad ending but this one just seemed like it would've been SO much better if it had a happier one. It was very well done though. I thought the frog magnet was very cute :P
SPOILER ALERT: Depressing little piece. It's too bad as the robot is so endearing. It's a sad commentary on what people thing is creative, especially in the kind of climate were in. This could have been so uplifting.
Comments (5)
It was amazing though, really beautiful and really well done and very creative....
It was very well done though. I thought the frog magnet was very cute :P