7 Giant Versions of Everyday Critters

Ever wish that itsy bitsy crab you had for dinner were bigger, so that you could eat more of one instead of ordering another dish? Why not order a coconut crab, a Tasmanian giant crab or a Japanese spider crab? Who knows, with 13 ft of crab to deal with, you might not even be able to finish it all!

(Also available: escargot So big, you can't even wrap your hands around it.)

This article over at Cracked also features jellyfish, spiders, worms and other creepy crawlies you would love to see magnified.

Puppies, kittens, infants: All adorable. And do you know why? Because they're tiny. If you start to magnify these things, then you wind up with the substantially less cute wolves, jaguars and teenagers.

Yes, if there's one thing nature teaches us, it's that what may start out as an adorable little animal friend can quickly turn into a Lovecraftian horror when its itty-bitty wittle mouth gets big enough to start eating your face. And when the little versions are already a little bit creepy, the big versions are the stuff nightmares are made of.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Silver.

Wow, The writer of that article needs to expand his/her vocabulary. There are other adjectives besides f**k and other nouns beside s**t.
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