Bob Dylan Picked Up by Police

Legendary musician Bob Dylan had a brush with the police last month in New Jersey. Long Branch police officer Kristie Buble responded to a call about an "eccentric-looking old man" in a residential neighborhood. Buble approached the man and questioned him. He had no ID, and said he was Bob Dylan and was checking out a house that had a "for sale" sign. Buble later said,
"Now, I've seen pictures of Bob Dylan from a long time ago and he didn't look like Bob Dylan to me at all. He was wearing black sweatpants tucked into black rain boots, and two raincoats with the hood pulled down over his head.

Buble decided to humor the old man who didn't know the address of where he was staying, and gave him a ride to the hotel he described. There were tour buses parked there, and entourage members vouched for Dylan's identity. They went so far as to produce his passport for the officer.
A police department source said Buble had taken her share of good-natured ribbing from some of the older officers.

"To really appreciate the story from our end, you have to see Kristie," one cop said. "She looks like a 16-year-old kid, next to this living legend. It was unbelievable."

Link -via Boing Boing

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In reference to #22. Ashleyz-You made some good points but I just think it's funny that you said you recognized 2 of Dylan's songs and a dozen by Simon and Garfunkel. While that may remain true it's also probably the biggest blunder in reference to recognizable tunes. This is a perfect example of how sad it will be when the new generations lose touch with the richness of American, Iconic, musical history. Especially that of a genius so brave and insightful. *evaluate the facts you choose in passing of legends when dealing with the passing of less, like philosophy of a non-eventful incident*
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I just wanted to say that I am 28 and I am a huge fan of Bob Dylan and could recite the lyircs to almost all of his songs. I would recognize Bob Dylan any day. I saw him live a few years ago. Unlike many people my age and otherwise, I do not limit the music I explore to only that which is grossly marketed to me by big music execs and is manufactured meaningless dribble like Brittany Spears, Justin Timberlake, or the Jonas Brothers. In my opinion, anyone who is moved more by the 'If U Seek Amy' than Dylan's 'It's alright ma' or "Death of Emmitt Till' is contributing to the 'dumbing down of America'. And, what is with the 'death to hippies' sentiment that some people have exhibited here? Bob Dylan and many other so-called hippies, have borught more attention to and raised the public consciousness regarding significant American social issues than most people will ever even give a second thought about. Im sorry some people do not want to take the time to try to use their mind a little to interpret or understand lyrics. With regards to music, it seems that today hardly anyone cares about raising the public consciousness about social issues but rather, just a catchy beat, flashy videos, and meaningless, party lyrics. God bless Bobby D and his contributions to society.
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From the description of his behaviour, it sounds like he was disoriented and possibly a little high.

He was going into people's yards, and he said he was looking at a house for sale. He's never heard of a real estate agent? Was he seriously going to buy a house there? Dude was baked. She should have run him in.
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"Loitering, trespassing, and public drunkeness are all crimes."

Where does it say he was drunk or trespassing. Last I checked, going to another neighborhood isn't trespassing. Hell, if he's walking, he's technically not even loitering. Maybe you should learn what big words mean before you try to act smarter than everyone else.
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"I’m 29, and I only recognize two songs from his greatest-hits album."

You make me sad. He's Bob frickin' Dylan. I don't even know what to say, except I'm sorry.

@32, Mim - I don't like you. One day, I hope you achieve something so great that people care enough to hate it.
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