(YouTube Link)
Researchers at the University of Tokyo are developing tangile holograms -- or rather, a system that uses sensors and Nintendo Wiimotes to give the impression of physical contact by holograms:
A retroreflective marker is attached on the tip of user's middle finger," the researchers explain on their website. "IR LEDs illuminate the marker and two Wiimotes sense the 3D position of the finger. Owing to this hand-tracking system, the users can handle the floating virtual image with their hands."
In the video, the researchers demonstrate how a user can dribble a virtual bouncing ball, feel virtual raindrops bouncing off their hand, and feel a small virtual creature crawling on their palm. The researchers hope that the technology will have applications in video games, 3D CADs, and other uses.
Link via io9
And neat but it didn't look very 3Dish on my screen.
Puff's of air will only carry the tangible part so far (even the most basic of Tentacle porn will require WAY more "reality" then then this).
Oh, and please help starving people and stuff too. :)