Neatorama Update - Mystery Sale and Upcoming Queue Contest

Mystery Sale - July 2009 Update
Phew! After about two weeks of hard work, we've finally shipped out all Mystery Sale orders. If you haven't received yours yet, especially if you live outside of the United States, please don't worry - the goodies are on their way.

Though the Mystery Sale is over, you can still get geektastic Science T-Shirts, Funny T-Shirts, nifty Ice Trays and other fun stuff at the Neatorama Online Store. Thank you to everybody who participated!

Neatorama Software Upgrade
We're going to be doing a maintenance/upgrade soon on Neatorama - if everything goes well, you shouldn't notice anything. If not, then, well, pardon the hiccups!

Upcoming Queue
As I've posted before, the Top 5 Submitter (based on Front Paged submissions) to the Neatorama Upcoming Queue for the month of August will win very cool prizes. The top dog will win an iPod Nano, whereas the rest will get cool stuff from the Neatorama Online Store.

As of today, the field is wiiiide open:

Please read the FAQ and Submission Tips to increase your chances of getting posts promoted to the Front Page. Remember that copy & pasting your description is the surest way NOT to get your post picked up ;)

Wow, what a letdown. My "new" item was a Celebriduck, Scarecrow Edition stamped 2OO6 on the side of the box. It is so old that the ink has stained the instruction book inside and plan B---give it to the kids---is out of the question. Plan C,---ask Neatorama for a refund. You lied, this is not "NEW" as promised, and they go for $8.72 on Amazon, which is not a "at least $10 item". Make this right Neatorama, I got burnt!
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I got the Lone Ranger celebriduck.

Meh, I could deal with a rubber duck but wish I had gotten a cooler one than the Lone Ranger! ha

Didn't know there were chances for such nice items though! Will probably try again next time around
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Yeah, I got the celebriduck and top secret as well. The top secret will probably be kept as a forgotten desk ornament, but that celebriduck (Queen Elizabeth the First is mine) is so friggin' tacky, my gf and I are thinking of hiding it in one of our friends' apartments, and letting them deal with the consequences! This mystery sale was certainly disappointing when you compare it to the last one (Laugh Out Loud Cats ftw!) and the one before it (Strawz!).

Still, I'm addicted to these sales. I can't think of a better way to part with $10.00 (plus shipping and handling) of my hard earned cash.
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I got the William Shakespeare Celebriduck and the "Top Secret" spinning top. While I didn't end up with one of the special items, the kid in me loves the mystery and excitement of it all!
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Why is it that we NEVER hear from the people that receive the big stuff? Anyone? Anyone? Hmm...I still love every aspect about the Mystery Sale, crazy Alice in Wonderland Celebriduck and all.
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absolute rip off, eems like anyone out side the good old USA got a bloody rubber duck, thats really bad form.cost 20euro for it, you really should be ashamed
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I got a stupid Celebriduck as well. A fortune Buddha one. I was pissed. I would have been happier with just a plan old rubber duck not something that just looks lame. Definitely didn't seem like it was worth $10.

Does anyone actually get anything good?
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yeah i got a james dean celebriduck :(
i was expecting along the lines of LOLcats book or t-shirt since the shirt size was asked.
if anyone out there actually likes these celebriducks, i will gladly send you mine...
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Still waiting for my second order.

Got Snoop Doggy Duck and Top Secret. Hoping that the second order is NOT the same thing.

Either way, for the money spent, complaining isnt going to get you anywhere. Next time if it is that big a deal, don't order.
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I am very disappointed - NOT by neatorama's competition, but by some of these people up here being so rude. If you are feeling ripped off and somehow think you're justified in it, at lest have the manners and tact not to behave like an eight year old! I hope you're no representation for the rest of your society!

I mean, do you guys rudely _demand_ a refund when you don't win the lottery!?! This is just terrible, It's just great for the rest of us that the neatorama staff can put up with your behaviour and don't just end Mystery Sales altogether.

I recieved my Celebriduck yesterday, I got Beetoven and it made me lul. I will be giving it to my nephew for his upcoming birthday - and it adds special character to it when it "came allll the way from America". :)

If I can catch the next Neatorama Mystery Sale / Lottery, I'll be in for it again.
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Well said Cam, while I still await my shipment, this top sounds pretty neat but I'm still hoping for the HP. I would like to hear from the big winners as well.
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I love the site but I have to agree about feeling ripped off. And it wasn’t just $10. I’ve wasted $15 after S&H for a rubber duck I wouldn’t even regift so am planning to toss in the garbage. Even if I had just gotten a t-shirt at least that’s something I could *use.* I expected the high-end items would be a longshot, that’s the fun of it being a mystery sale, but seriously? A cheap rubber duck?? This will be the first and last Mystery Sale for me, Neatorama.
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I'm not trying to pile on here but I am hoping the feedback might help the Neatorama crew for future Mystery Sales. I too received the dreaded Celebrity Duck, though mine actually turned out to be a pink flamingo. I understand the odds are pretty slim of receiving one of the super prizes, but I was also hoping for something with some sort of redeeming value. I would have loved a t-shirt as a consolation prize. I gave the duck to my wife, who in turn will be giving it to one of her 1st grade students as a classroom prize this year. Sadly I don't think I will be spending $16 again on another Mystery Sale. I certainly didn't have high hopes to begin with, yet somehow I still came away from the experience extremely disappointed.
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I was disappointed with the duck too, I think it up there with strawz on the fail-o-meter but thats the way the game goes. It's a gamble. At least there is a booby prize instead of nothing.

I got the flamingo and gave it to my 2 year old nephew who uses it as a bath toy. I let the top spin until the battery wore down then put it back in the packaging and gave it to a friend that has a lot of garage sales, maybe she can get a dollar for it.
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Got top secret, Celebrity Duck Penguin, and a Neatorama shirt with the Anteater on it. Not bad. I like doing these sort of things since you just get some random cool stuff. We like the top. It spun for like 4 hours before we went to bed. Will probably gift the penguin to a coworker who likes penguins.
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hi alex,
we received one of our mystery packages over 2 weeks ago. however, the other one (which was ordered on the same day, same ticket) has never arrived. i'm starting to get concerned. do you know anything about it?
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