Archive for July 2009

The Castle in Kentucky

The United States has few castles, so each one stands out as unusual.  Above is a picture of Martin Castle, built in the 1960-1970s by real estate developer Rex Martin.  He built it when his wife became enamored of cas...

Five Historic Train Robberies

They make train robberies look so easy in the movies, don't they? You jump on to a train with guns a-blazin' and a bandana covering your face, rob the safe and jump off, never to be caught. But in real life, the...

Style Your Garage

Style Your Garage is a German company that makes photorealistic tarps to cover your plain boring garage door. Instead of a closed door, passers-by will see something special, like an expensive sports car, an airplane,...

Antarctica Time Lapse: A Year on the Ice

[] (YouTube - Link) Last year we had posted a really cool time lapse video "The Southern Lights" filmed by Anthony Powell who works at a base in Antarctica which really wowed us all. Now al...

Turtle Sex Causes Massive Delay at JFK Airport

While the horseshoe crab orgy is just a fun and cute animal affair, the turtles from Jamaica Bay are a different story. A group of 78 swinging diamondback terrapins held up one of the most busy runways at JFK on Wednesda...

Cute Children Help You Get Your Wallet Back

If you've ever lost your wallet, you know what a pain it is to cancel all your cards and get them reordered. You know how annoying it is to go to the DMV and get a new driver's license. You probably also know how much of...

Sumo Wrestler Accused of Being Too "Podgy"

Every sport has its bad boy (I'm looking at you, Ron Artest), but sumo bad boy Asashoryu Akinori is special. After a string of bad behaviors including a brawl in a communal bath, being drunk in public and so on, the sumo...

Elephant Car Wash

Forget bikini car wash! The new hotness in raising money in today's tough economy is ... elephant car wash!The elephants at the Wildlife Safari near Eugene, Oregon are fundraising and they don't seem to mind. *e...

Frenemy, Flash Mob, and Other New English Words

Friend/Enemy Ambigram, by Naguib and Fadilah of NagfaEnglish, she's a'changin'. The latest edition of the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary are 100 words that you may already be using:There are words such as *s...

The Danger of Texting and Walking: Teenager Fell Into a Manhole

We all know that texting and driving is bad, but texting and walking? Fifteen-year-old teenager Alexa Longuiera learned that texting while you walk may be dangerous the hard way: she fell down a manhole while texting!*em...

Fog Harvester

Photo: Anne LummerichGerman conservationists Kai Tiedemann and Anne Lummerich came up with an ingenious solution to Peruvian village Bellavista's water problem. The small village south of the capital city of Lima has ver...

Orgy on the Beach (for Horseshoe Crabs, Silly!)

If you live near the Delaware Bay shore, you can go there to witness one heck of a beach orgy happening now: thousands of horseshoe crabs are piling on top of one another mating ...On the Delaware Bay shore, there's...

Tantalus Dinner

Artist Ioli Kalliopi Sifakaki cast tablewear from her own body parts, and then invited friends to eat dinner from them: Royal College of Art graduate Iola Kalliopi Sifakaki designed a dinner service cast from...

Zubbles Now on Sale

They've been in development for fifteen years, and were supposed to launch sales to the public two years ago. Now finally, you can buy Zubbles, soap bubbles in bright colors that don't stain fabric. Inventor Tim Kehoe sp...

Tile Illusion

Look close: there are no bent lines in this tile collection. In fact, when I saw this, I thought how cool it would be to floor a room with this tile pattern! Link optical illusion, illusion...

Forked Dog

A chihuahua named Smokey wandered around with a fork stuck deep in his head for three days! A handle broke off a grilling fork and flew right into his head at a family party in Kentucky. Smokey then ran off into...

Rice Paddy Crop Art

Rice farmers in Japan create wonderful works of art by planting different varieties of rice in patterns. The 2009 crop has been photographed and can be seen by everyone -not just airplanes! This rendering of Napoleon i...

10 Business Lessons Learned from Dungeons & Dragons

Esther Schindler played D&D for years, and has discerned principles from those experiences that can be used in her working life: 5.  The best quests require a mixture of skills in the party. Fi...

Follow the Money Trail

This interesting graphic shows how the average US consumer spends their money. Figures are based on an April 2009 survey from the US Department of Labor and the US Department of Labor Statistics. I'd love to see one for...

You Can Re-Edit Star Wars!

Star Wars Uncut is a web project where 472 fans each remake 15 seconds of Star Wars: A New Hope, and then the clips are assembled into one big, weird remake. The project is currently seeking participant...

Famous Same Sex Penguin Couple Calls it Quits

It seems like no long term relationship is safe these days. First it's Jon and Kate and now sadly it's Harry and Pepper. Harry and Pepper are a pair of adorable male Magellan penguins at the San Francisco Zoo. They ha...

Rent Dodger Lives Here: A Landlord Resorted to Public Shaming to Oust Rent Dodger

When landlord Elaine Stenson couldn't get her tenants to pay their rent for months and ignored legal notices to vacate the premises, she decided on a very old (medieval, actually) technique: public shaming. And while the...

410 Pound Weight Loss

At 650 pounds, David Smith contemplated suicide. But then he decided to lose the weight, and dropped 410 pounds in a little over two years. “I decided that the best way to get over my fear was to destroy it …...

Children Cheat on Exercise Study

A study by Mile End Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine in the Whitechapel area of London, England asked 11- and 12-year-olds to wear pedometers to measure their activity. Researchers were surprised to find that the...

The 10 Oldest Still-Inhabited Cities

I live in a house that is over 100 years old. That's pretty old by US standards, but can you imagine living in a city that is 12,000 years old? That would be Damascus, Syria, with a population of four million people. W...

42 Tons of Trash Removed

The home of John R. Mallgren of Mastic Beach, New York was condemned for unsafe conditions. Workers then removed 85,000 pounds of debris from the property, which required 10 garbage trucks! The city is sending the $8,742...

Survey Reveals The French Seen as Worst Tourists in The World

According to a survey of over 4,000 hotel owners throughout the world, the French are considered the worst tourists in the world.  The survey was conducted by polling company TNS Infratest for the  Internet tra...

Beware: Llamas are on the Loose!

A poor unsuspecting couple in Kentucky were visited by the ringleader of a gang of not-so vicious llamas. Felicity and her furry partners in crime had spent the night out partying and terrorizing shubbery.   Slow...

Key with Keyring Built In

Sometimes the answer is so obvious that it's silly to think that no one has though of it before, but here it is: a key with a keyring built right in!The Split Key Ring is the latest creation of engineer/artist/mad scient...

Squids Can See Without Eyes

The evolution of the eye is fascinating stuff (in a nutshell, the eye is so complex that Creationists claim that it couldn't possibly have evolved ... and scientists countered that...


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