Archive for July 2009

Illuminating! A Brief History of the Headlight

A look at the surprisingly complex history of the automobile headlight. The first headlights were simply lanterns with reflecting mirrors:The earliest headlight technology was essentially a lantern with a reflecting...

You Will Not Tow My Car

(YouTube Link) This lady clearly thought that she didn't deserve to get her car towed away. Run time: 36 seconds. Via Bits & Pieces...

Simulated Earthquake to Shake Condo

Today, Japanese scientists are going to shake a six-story wood frame building on a table to simulate a 7.5 Richter scale earthquake and evaluate its effects on the structure: “We’re taking it to an earthqu...

Trend Hunter Founder Filed Trademark Violation ... Against Himself!

Jeremy Gutsche, the founder of Trend Hunter blog, wanted the blog's Facebook Fan Page to be /trendhunter but the website doesn't allow users to switch their username. So he came up with a brilliant solution: he filed a t...

Transformers + Airbrush Car Art + Mad Magazine Fold-In = ???

What do you get when you mix together Transformers, airbrush car art and Mad Magazine Fold-in? Jeremy Kramer and Eric Vaughn of Truck Bearing Kibble, one of my favorite webcomics, have the answer! I won't spoil the fun f...

The Human Printer

Printed by NauntonSome one hundred and twenty years after Georges-Pierre Seurat completed his iconic A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, a group of artists called The Human Printer resurrected t...

Converting a Church (Yes, With Its Own Cemetery) Into a Home

Sure it's got high ceilings and amazing stain glass windows but wouldn't you feel a little bit intimidated taking showers and sleeping in this house? After all, it used to be the House of God ... Apparently, it didn't bo...

Zipper Pond

Just how awesome is this: the Zipper Lotus Pond at the Juming Museum outside of Taipei, Taiwan. The zipper pond is created by Taiwanese sculptor Ju Chun and I, for one, am surprised that it doesn't say "YKK" (l...


Photo: richard.heeks [Flickr]We've featured a lot of really neat photos on Neatorama, but I think this one is definitely in the top 10. Here's a photo by Richard Heeks of a soap bubble bursting: The lighting of this...

The Gopher Hole Museum

Neatoramanaut Cat and Brat told us of a bizarre yet strangely compelling museum in central Alberta, Canada: The World Famous Gopher Hole Museum in Torrington. The main attraction of the museum are 47 dioramas featuring t...

100 Movies Every Man Should Watch

Brett & Kate McKay of our pal The Art of Manliness blog have just put together a mega post of 100 movies every man should see (100! Makes our Top 10 posts look downright puny). For better and for worse, these 100 mov...

The Weird, Wacky World of The Platypus

Long has the platypus been referred to as a “freak” or a “joke by God.” But darn it, these critters are awesome, interesting and unique. If anything, they’re really super animals and everyone else is just jealo...

Salvation Mountain

After several failed attempts to spread the Word of God through various grand schemes, Leonard Knight finally settled on building Salvation Mountain in the middle of the desert from discarded trash, sand...

Three Amazing Stories of Survivals

When it's not their time to go, it's not their time to go - regardless of what some people did, they just wouldn't die. Jumping out of a 5th story apartment, getting hit by lightnings not once, not twice but seven times,...

Calorie Restriction Leads to Longer, Healthier Life

Results from a 20 year study on monkeys and their diets show that eating fewer calories can help you live longer. Animals with a restricted diet of 30% were shown to outlive those that were given the freedom to eat what...

You Auto Lay an Egg

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]You Auto Lay an Egg (AKA It's a Bird) is a 1930 short film by cartoonist Charley Bowers and directed by Harold L. Muller in which a fr...

CPR Certification At Home With the Nintendo Wii

The American Heart Association is funding a student project to develop a CPR certification program that uses the Nintendo Wii: A biomedical engineering professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham envi...

Living With First-Person Shooter Disease

(YouTube Link) This video is about a man who lives with First-Person Shooter Disease (AKA Duke Nukem's Disease) -- he can only interact with the world in the manner of a video game character.  Yet he bravely strug...

Homing Pigeon Adopts Baby Bunnies

An animal rescue helped save three baby bunnies that were attacked by a dog and orphaned. The clinic workers noticed that a one-legged homing pigeon that also resided at the clinic began watching the babies through t...

We Choose The Moon

How will you commemorate the 40th anniversary of man's first step on the moon? There's plenty to explore on the site We Choose The Moon now, but you'll also want to bookmark it so you can follow the events of 40 years...

Ten Things You Didn't Know About the Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Craig Nelson offers ten lesser-known facts about the first human moon landing: 6. The "one small step for man" wasn’t actually that small. Armstrong set the ship down so gently that its shock absorbers didn...

The History of Wedding Cakes

Abigail Tucker presents some interesting historical facts about the traditional cake served at a wedding in the West: One early British recipe for “Bride’s Pye” mixed cockscombs, lamb testicles, sweetbreads,...

Japanese Robots Facing Layoffs

Although I approve of striking a blow against our would-be overlords, this move seems to be needlessly antagonistic: Japan's legions of robots, the world's largest fleet of mechanized workers, are being idled as...

Awful Library Books

This blog collects instances of books on the shelves of libraries that should be culled (or should have been culled years ago). The page shown is from a book called Moving Through Pregnancy from 1975. The items f...

Moe Szyslak

Today's Luchtime Quiz at mental_floss is about another character from The Simpsons. Moe Szyslak is Homer's favorite bartender. How much do you know about him? Certainly more than I do!

WTF Taxidermy

Members of the LiveJournal community called WTF Taxidermy scour the web for stuffed animals we can laugh at. Many of the specimens are for sale on eBay or Craigslist, so there's a chance you could have one for your ver...

Bach's Forgotten Horn

Musicians and scientists have re-created a lost musical instrument known as the 'lituus': In 1737-8, Johann Sebastian Bach composed and performed a cantata, “O Jesu Christ, meins lebens licht” (”O Jesus Chri...

100 Essential Skills for Geeks

Geek Dad has a list of one hundred skills that he thinks that every geek should know. A few examples: 26. Boot a computer off a thumb drive. 40. Transcode a DVD to play on a portable device. 71. Explain that...

Swearing May Help Ease Pain

Ever cuss a blue streak after hitting your thumb with a hammer? You may be helping yourself cope with pain: Holy @$#%! According to neuroscientists from Britain’s Keele University, dropping the f-bomb can actua...

Happy Birthday, Electric Guitar

The Gibson electric guitar was patented in the United States seventy-two years ago today.  The first electric guitars were developed by the mid-30s in response to the needs of guitarists in jazz orchestras to produce mo...


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