Archive for July 29th, 2009

Ghost Busters 1954

(YouTube link) What if the movie Ghost Busters was made a few decades earlier? YouTube member whoiseyevan used 17 sources to create a trailer for a 1954 version, starring Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Bob Hope, a...

Toilet Paper Tube Faces

Artist Junior Fritz Jacquet crumples and folds toilet paper rolls until they make faces displaying anguish, happiness, disgust and more. Once they're folded right, he adds just a bit of color to help bring out their...

12 Fantastic Architectural Art Installations

Web Urbanist just put up a nice collection of art installations on buildings. They're all great designs, particularly the tentacle piece above: An artist calling himself ‘FilthyLuker’ installed inflatable octopu...

Crunchy Frog Recipe

Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories has figured out how to recreate the "Crunchy Frog" confection made famous in the classic Monty Python sketch ("If we took the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy would it?") using Gummi frogs...

The Spider with an Aqualung

The diving bell spider breathes air, but spends its life underwater! To achieve this feat, this spider spins a cocoon that works as an aqualung. The spider traps tiny bubbles of air in the hairs of her legs and brings...

The Wrath of the Killdozer

Marvin Heemeyer spent a year and a half modifying a Komatsu D335A bulldozer into an "armored vehicle of vengeance". On June 4th, 2004, he rampaged through the town of Granby, Colorado, smashing vehicles and buildings, in...

Intricate 3D Paintings

These incredibly lifelike paintings were created by John Pugh who calls his artwork "trick of the eye." The Californian-born artist said: 'It seems almost universal that people take delight in being visually tricked...

What Happened to Jimmy Hoffa?

It was 34 years ago tomorrow that Jimmy Hoffa disappeared. Ever since then, the rumors have been flying about where he might be - he's almost certainly dead, but who did it and what they did with the body is the mystery...

Whisper Chain Marriage Proposal

Jake Bronstein of Zoomdoggle (featured previously on Neatorama) set a record for longest whisper chain, passing a message successfully through 59 people. The message was a marriage proposal to his girlfriend! Link (embed...

Coffee Cup Art

Cheeming Boey creates small pieces of art by sketching on foam coffee cups! His friends told him they would never sell, but that was before Marion Meyer saw them. “I personally liked them,” says the former pre...

Bomb Detonators Become Robot Firefighters

Robots that served in Afghanistan by remotely detonating explosives are now repurposed as "firebots" in London. These machines can safely get much closer to the source of the fire than human firefighters, which is partic...

US Navy Developing Submarine-Launched Drones

These drones include both aerial and surface craft intended for clandestine operations: * Sea Stalker, a torpedo-size underwater robot that specializes in snooping on radio signals and other communications. �...

Little Rock Stars

(YouTube Link) Last night, Miss Cellania linked to a video of a five-year old boy playing Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues" very well.  Pop culture blog Urlesque took this idea and ran with it, compiling ten vide...

Gears of War My Little Pony

Hasbro could greatly expand its market if it made My Little Ponies like these two based upon the violent video game Gears of War. And it would probably capture the true meaning of what it means to be a My L...

Personalized Urns for the Deceased

Would you like to keep your departed loved ones in an urn on the mantle? How about in an urn that looks like the deceased person's head? Cremation Solutions makes personalized urns using facial reconstruction and 3...

Mattress Money Bank

The safest place is keep your money is to stuff it into your mattress. Or, alternatively, this mattress-shaped piggy bank which received no TARP funds and comes complete with a miniature pillow. Link via Nerd App...

Capri, Carpi ... What's the Difference?

Capri, carpi, what's the difference? Apparently, about 400 miles. Here's what happened to a couple of Swedish tourists who mistyped the destination in their GPS:Officials say a Swedish couple looking for the pristine...

Parry Gripp's Nom Nom Song Animated by Nathan Mazur (OMG That Was Awesome!)

[YouTube] Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom is a silly yet utterly fascinating collaboration between our pal, animator and T-shirt designer extraordinaire Nathan Mazur of Scared of Bees and Parry Gripp (of the pop punk band Ne...

Science Solves the Riddle of Why We Swing Our Arms While We Walk

Takin' a break from weighty science research like finding a cure for cancer and whatnot, scientists have now solved the riddle of why we swing our arms when walking:Swinging one's arms comes at a cost. We need muscle...

Guinness Is Actually Good For You!

The old ad slogan "Guinness is good for you" may actually be true: a study showed that drinking just over a pint of Guinness at mealtimes may help reduce the blood's ability to form dangerous clots that may lea...

Neatorama Update - SoftLayer Issue and Mystery Sale

Neatorama Server IssuesLate last night (two nights ago for our readers in the East Coast), our data center and hosting service SoftLayer was hit with a massive distributed denial-of-service attack. The a...

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