Construction of Full-Sized LEGO House Planned

James May of the British television show Top Gear is planning to build a full-sized house out of LEGOs:

On Friday, more than three million Lego bricks were delivered to the vineyard in preparation for the task.

Denbies marketing and business development manager, Jeanette Simpson, said: “The millions of bricks came all the way from the Czech Republic. The house will be life-size with a staircase, toilet and shower.”

Link via Geekologie

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Yeah well if you take Mythbusters as the measure for truthfinding...
And so what if they need 5 million or 5 billion? The fact that it will be done and that Captain Slow will do it is amazing enough.

But How will they make the walls and floors? Will they only use the stones as cladding and decoration while they make the loadbaring construction of steel and wood? Or do they make the whole thing out of those tiny bricks, double walls, I-beams and all? That makes a load of difference in the number of stones needed. And the glue they need...
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