Archaeologists have found five Roman ships in excellent condition off the coast of Italy:
A team of archaeologists using sonar technology to scan the seabed have discovered a "graveyard" of five pristine ancient Roman shipwrecks off the small Italian island of Ventotene.
The trading vessels, dating from the first century BC to the fifth century AD, lie more than 100 meters underwater and are amongst the deepest wrecks discovered in the Mediterranean in recent years, the researchers said on Thursday.
Comments (7)
yahoo is taking stuff from you and publishing it on their page. i know you don't own this stuff but it has become clearly obvious that they are coming here to find ideas for their front page featured news headline... i've seen at least 5 examples in the past week. just fyi, in case you care.
enduring love to your site forever,
Yes, typos are horible ;)