Archive for July 23rd, 2009

Book Cart Drill Team

(YouTube Link) The American Library Association (ALA) just finished its annual conference in Chicago.  This is a video of the winners of the book cart drill team competition.  These librarians from the Omaha Publi...

Scientists Design Self-Assembling Nanogears

Creating nanomachines can be unprofitable because of the time necessary to create and then assemble the components. But researchers at Columbia University have found a way to make machines assemble themselves: *e...

Music Royalties for Dummies

With all of the confusion recently on the internet about music and copyright, you may not know what's what.  Here's something to help you learn about how music royalties work.Considering how much “education”...

AskMen's Great Male Survey 2009

AskMen has just released the results of their second annual Great Male Survey, involving more than 50,000 of their readers worldwide, to find out what the modern man is thinking about.As with their first survey last year...

10 Bizarre Scientific Studies

Listverse has information about 10 strange studies that scientists have conducted, such as how breasts bounce while women jog, can sheep recognize each others' faces, and flatulating fish. From the latter: ...

Collect $4 Million, Go Directly to Jail

Barry Shell of Brampton, Ontario could call it his lucky day -or his unlucky day. He won $4.4 million dollars in the Canadian Lotto drawing July 18th. Monday, he went to pick up his winnings at the Ontario Lottery and Ga...

Cthulhu Weinie Roaster

Keep your dogs off the charcoal in style with this Cthulhu hot dog roaster from Roast My Weenie. Only $35, a bargain for diehard Cthulhu fans.;jsessionid=72496F1DA0788681339...

The 10 Craziest Competitive Eating Moments

You've read the stories about eating contests, and you've wondered how in the world can people stuff that much food into themselves. Now you can see how its done, with ten videos of various food contests, including glimp...

Why Do People Fall For Payday Loans?

Payday loans can have a annual interest rate of 400%, but people who take them don't look it it that way when they borrow $100 and pay back $115 in two weeks. Many fall into the trap of taking a second, third, or more lo...

A VTOL Unmanned Aircraft

That stands for "vertical take off and landing", not in the way that a helicopter does, but more like the tilt-rotor V-22 Osprey in the U.S. military inventory. As the U.S. Air Force is moving toward a greater role for...

Post-It Note Stories

Cartoonist Arthur Jones writes stories through text and doodles on Post-It Notes, then reads his stories live to audiences as his cartoons scroll in the background. There are a few on his site, but my favorite is actual...

VideoSift Clips of the Week

(Links open in a new browser window/tab) Mitchell and Webb Take on Gordon Ramsay This is a hilarious skit that sends up the foul-mouthed kitchen coach. (language NSFW) Link *s...

What is it? Game 106

This week's collaboration with the always awesome What Is It? Blog brings us this strange object - can you guess what it is for? Place your guess in the comment section - no prize this week, so you're pl...

How Five Gangsters Met Their Makers

If you've seen the new movie Public Enemies, you already know how John Dillinger died (and if you haven't seen it, you probably knew anyway - Neatoramanauts are smarter than the average bear). What you may not...

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