Everyday Life Under our Alien Overlords

Artist Franco Brambilla depicts scenes of pleasant, everyday life during and after aliens have conquered the Earth. To do so, he superimposes aliens over actual postcards of serene landscapes. It's like Norman Rockwell like drunk one night and woke up the next morning in bed with Frank R. Paul.

Link via io9

Comments (4)

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I actually didnt know Francesca's artworks before rip-off and someone else on boingboing.com and other blogs wrote about her beautiful art, thanks for the link, now I put her site in my favourites. Her works are great and I can see a common background... but if you cant see the differences, jealousy makes you blind :)

live long and prosper

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"It’s like Norman Rockwell like drunk one night and woke up the next morning in bed with Frank R. Paul."

It's more like Franco Brambilla saw Francesca Berrini's website, and decided to use the stack of old magazines in his garage to rip her off.

Unusual Cards and www.unusualcards.com
© Francesca Berrini 2002

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Kinda cool, but I think the whole "Photoshopping modern stuff into old photos" genre has been done to death already. There are so many websites with this kind of stuff now.
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