Doing Without Money (on purpose!)

Daniel Suelo lives in a tiny cave in Utah. Instead of working for money, he spends his time foraging for food because he believes that living without money is a better way. Nine years ago, after volunteering with the Peace Corps, working in a women's shelter, and living in Thailand and India, he decided to be a "vagabond in America".
I tell him that living without money seems difficult. What about starvation? He's never gone without a meal (friends in Moab sometimes feed him). What about getting deadly ill? It happened once, after eating a cactus he misidentified—he vomited, fell into a delirium, thought he was dying, even wrote a note for those who would find his corpse. But he got better. That it's hard is exactly the point, he says. "Hardship is a good thing. We need the challenge. Our bodies need it. Our immune systems need it. My hardships are simple, right at hand—they're manageable."

Is this a grand experiment or a retreat from reality? Read the entire story at Men.Style. -via Digg

(image credit: Mark Heithoff)

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Newest 5 Comments

He's got a fricking BLOG!

The sad part is he's trying to glamorize what's a sad fact of life for many people, and he's only making excuses for his failures. If I were a homeless guy in Moab, I'd kick his ass.
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Shaolinrock + 1
MadMolecule +1

"He’s experienced cultures the rest of you can’t understand." -Edvim
I have experienced other cultures. That is what makes me more appreciative and concious of the little things that you seem to assum that "we" do not treasure.
I use my money to contribute to "welfare" societies, instead of holing up in a cave and trying to glamourize mysyelf.
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