The Tata Nano, created by Tata Motors costs only 123,360 rupees ($2,531), with upgrades such as air conditioning and cup holders available for up to $3,536 more. The Nano is set to revolutionize the transport industry in India.
From the 203,000 people who pre-ordered the Nano, 100,000 of them were selected from a ballot to be the first to get their hands on the car.
With an engine of just 624 cubic centimeters, it is smaller than those found in motorcycles and has been compared to the European Smart Car and the Volkswagen Beetle.
The vehicle is set to come to the U.S. in two years...Just in time for us to be out of the recession?
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by pigjockey.
very cool joltinjoe!
here it is taking a monster mercedes.
The TATA NANO is a terrible idea.
India and China should be be leap frogging not tail coating
The world does not need this. Cities need fast, reliable, unexpensive subway systems.
Choose any two. And then figure out how to build them to everywhere people would like to go, and how to persuade people to use them all the time in preference to personal transportation. Best of luck.
And they'll discover too that small cars can pack up lots of power : 120hp is a lot when you weight only 1700 lbs. Street legal go karts!