Archive for July 19th, 2009

Russian Terminator

A Russian hobbyist put together a diorama of World War II action figures assembling a terminator to fight the Germans. Oh, this isn't just one scene, but a series of photographs that tell the story. I particularly like...

Turn Your Computer Into A Beaver

Instructables has a detailed set of how to's to let you convert your computer case into a taxidermy beaver. Nothing says quality technology like dead animals. It's pretty easy, just look at step one: Purch...

Red Pandas Adopted by Farmer's Dog

When rare red pandas in China were abandoned by their mother, zookeepers looked high and low for a wet nurse. The farmer's dog pictured was one of three candidates for the wet nurse position. “No one knew she was...

Kelly Hildebrandt and Kelly Hildebrandt

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Kelly Hildebrandt and Kelly Hildebrandt? You may not be personally invited, but it's true that the two Kelly Hildebrandts are getting married. The female Hildebrandt is from Fl...

10 Useful Inventions That Went Bad

Some of the most notorious discoveries and inventions arose by accident, or more commonly, were developed for uses other than what they ended up doing. Listverse looks at ten such products, including trinitrotoluene, a c...

Who is this man?

In August of 1985, Ebony magazine printed an article called Portraits of the Stars: What They May Look Like In The Year 2000. The magazine commissioned Chicago artist Nathan Wright to create the pictures. One of the cele...

10 Extreme Marathons

Competing a grueling marathon isn't challenging enough for some runners.  Woman's Day has a list of ten marathons, some of them run under brutal conditions.  The picture above is from Greenland's marathon....

Baby Sea Lion Swim Lesson

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]This baby sea lion at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium isn't too sure about taking the plunge, but finally gets the hang of it.   Getting...

Solar Glass Could Save Energy and Improve Your View

Now that the summer months are upon us, keeping cool and saving our energy is a top priority. An Australian research group is working towards producing new solar cell windows that will harness energy from the sun and red...

Meet Phineas Gage

Massachusetts photographers have apparently found the only known image of Phineas Gage.  Phineas Gage is famous throughout medical literature and folklore because he survived a horrific accident.  He was a 25 y...

World's Cheapest Car Goes On Sale

The world's cheapest car is set to go on sale in India as the first customer receives the key to the vehicle, handed to him personally by the chairman of the car company.The Tata Nano, created by Tata Motors costs only 1...

Dinos Burrowed Underground In Cold Weather

The world's oldest known dinosaur burrow, recently discovered on the southeast coast of Australia, suggests that some dinos went underground to escape extreme weather. 110 million years ago, when this burrow was dug,...

Economists Predict Recession to be Over Soon. What Do YOU Think?

Predicting the economy is a lot like reading tea leaves - but a lot less certain. Indeed, economist Edgar Fiedler famously said "Ask five economists and you'll get five different answers - six if one went to Harvard...

Buy a Truck, Get a Free AK-47!

Remember the dealership that gave away handguns if you buy their car last year? Well, they've upped their firepower: Max Motors in Butler, Missouri, is now giving away an AK-47 (technically, a voucher redeemable for one)...

A Third of 11-Year-Olds in Milan, Italy Have Drinking Problems!

Sure, teenagers everywhere try to sneak in a beer or two. It's practically a rite of passage, but the city of Milan, Italy is cracking down on teenage drinking because they have a bad problem of underage drinking.How bad...

The Chimps of War

Chimps may be portrayed as mischieviously fun but largely harmless by Hollywood, but the truth is anything but. In the wild, chimpanzees are killers that engage in years-long war against one another, and their behavior m...

Mongolian Death Worm Attacks Prague

Polish Czech artist EPOS257 created this street art exhibition in Prague featuring the Orghoi khorkhoi, or the Mongolian Death Worm. For those of you who are blessedly unaware, the Mongolian death worm is the fiercest cr...

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