One of the most celebrated time capsules is the Crypt of Civilization at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia:
For centuries, civilizations have found ways to leave clues into their past. One such example is the Crypt of Civilization, which was a sealed airtight chamber located at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Thornwell Jacobs (1877–1956), referred to as "the father of the modern time capsule," was inspired to construct the crypt after the openings of the Egyptian Pyramids and tombs in 1920. “He was struck by the scarcity of historical information available from these ancient civilizations and imagined having a "running story" of the customs of human life from beginning to the 1930's modern culture. Jacobs noted that 6,177 years had passed between when the Egyptian calendar was established in 4241 BC and the present year (1936 AD). This figure served as the rationale for setting the opening of the crypt for 8113.”
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by lannaxe96.
In fact, "There were other time capsules 5,000 years ago as vaults of artifacts hidden inside the walls of Mesopotamian cities, along with Egyptian and other ancient tombs, which are effectively time capsules as well."~The Book of Record
Tombs hold the artifacts of past cultures, they are a living museum all within the confines of a capsule or cache. If you asked any Archaeologist or Historian, they would agree with me I'm sure.