You may say that modern art is silly, but some may prove to be downright dangerous in this post 9/11 world. Take the Bunny Project, an performance art by Conny Blom where he goes around town putting together a suspicious looking object shaped like a bomb. A carrot bomb, to be precies:
Performance commissioned by Kalmar Museum of Art, Sweden. During the inauguration of the new art museum in Kalmar a suspicious individual sneaked around the premises mounting sculptures made of carrots, alarm clocks, red and blue cables, metal wire and tape. On direct orders from the Swedish secret police the performance was stopped since the Culture Minister refused to give her inaugural speech if it were to continue. The speech , as it later turned out, was about how art must be allowed to be free and provocative.
The Culture Minister had it right the first time: art must be allowed to be free and provocative.
If he leaves faux bombs made from carrots around and it makes people think a little more about freedom and expression of art then great, accept the praise. If he incites a panic and people get trampled in the ensueing riot, then he should accept jail time.
And for those who would say, "it's not art, I could do that": great! Go out, make art! We need more creative people out there, challenging the status quo and getting people out of their normal thinking patterns. Ars gratia artis.