Meeting Cost Ticker

Ever wonder just how much that meeting will cost your employer? By entering the estimated average salary of everyone in the meeting, the number of employees and when the meeting started, you get to watch just how much money is wasted on these pointless get togethers. I can't wait until this becomes an iPhone app you can stealthy bring to the meeting with you.

Link Via BoingBoing

Nice, funny, interesting.

But not entirely correct:
- Because this figure doesn't count ther coffee, tea and other beverages that are consumed.
- It doesn't count the electricity that is spent for lighting, electronic appliances, beamers, laptops, tele-conference-phones and such and stuff like paper and writing-utensils.

And then if all that is added, it is only the direct cost of that meeting.
- But then you have to calculate what financial effect that meeting has on the endresults- Would the endresult be just as good if that meeting were not held?
- And you calculate how the meeting worked to smoothen the work of the individuals that participated
- You have to calculate how the meeting made the work of others that are put to work by the participants more efficient.

...Now there is an interesting challenge to make a corrct and all-covering financial model of meetings in a project...!
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It was in the news a few months ago about how a council worker who left a meeting to make a cup of tea cost the tax payer over £7000!

Read the article
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I'm not a huge fan of meetings myself, but the thing about this argument that has always annoyed me is that it implies that those employees attending the meeting would not otherwise be getting paid. The same goes for the electricity, etc. Whether or not the meeting occurs, the company still forks out for salaries, utilities, etc. Therefore, the only real cost of meetings above and beyond regular costs is the tab for the coffee and donuts. Seems a small price to pay if multi-million dollar decisions are being made...
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