The small town of Vulcan in Alberta, Canada, has exploited its Star Trek name since the 60s. It's a pilgrimage site for nerds where the local menus offer foods from Star Trek without explaining what they are for you unenlightened souls who don't watch the shows. Via Topless Robot
Some years ago somewhere in the early '90's I went to my one and once only visit to a Trekkie-convention in Oss. That's a place in the south of the Netherlands.
That town went mad for one weekend, with all those fruitcakes -mostly of the male kind- walking around there, toating plastic bat'leths and phasers and oh-so-fake foreheads and ears. Some made obscure gestures and said things that made the local Bikers nearly go berserk. And then shouting for Fresh Qagh and such... When presented with live edible maggots by some vendors, I saw some of them Bravest Warriors puke....
If Vulcan is only a double mooned shadow of Oss back then, it must be pretty weird.